GRADING AND ASSIGNMENTS IN AP WORLD HISTORYAP students (even sophomores) are held to a high standard of demeanor. Students are expected to be classy about their grades and not bellow "What'dya get?!?" or "Man, I failed that SO bad!"; even though it happens. And really, the smooth thing to do is internalize your marks, and plan ahead. If what you are doing is working, fantastic, if not, see the teacher, make a study group, think about how to get better. Grading in AP is tough, but with the fact that a D is like a C and a C is like a B, and a B like an A, and an A like an A++, there is a little cushioning. Still, its tough. Most essays (75%) are practiced in class. Grading: 90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% D 0-59% F Percentage of total points earned will determine the student's grade, with the following given roughly these weights: Tests and Quizzes: 40% Timelines, Essays, Projects, etc.: 30% Notes & Vocabulary: 25% Academic Disposition (class): 5%
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