Art of Classical Rome: The Republic


Italy Before Rome: The Eutruscans' most famous temple reconstructed



Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus, brothers raised by a she-wolf



Roman Values: Love of the home and farm, hard work on the land brings great rewards, work hard and play hard, celebrate!



Roman women shown trying to stop a battle between the Romans and Sabines




Famous onyx carving of the symbol of the Roman Republic, the eagle (aquila)




The Forum of Rome, left in its ruined state but betraying the glory of its past



The Senate as it was, on the Capitoline Hill




Mighty Carthage as it was before its destruction in the 3rd Punic War



2nd Punic War: Hannibal taking his war Elephents over the Alpine Mountains and into Italy



The Ruins of the City of Carthage, 2200 years later



The wonderfully preserved Temple of Fortune at Rome, dating from Republican times- notice the Greek influence?




The most famous Roman Baths, called Caracalla,  in a park in the city



Pompeii today: with its nemesis in the background- Mt. Vesuvius



The Last Day of Pompeii, 79AD- sure was a bad day



Roman frescoes have not survived much, but here is an example from Pompeii, preserved in the dried lava



The Baker and His Wife. A famous and rare example of painting from the Roman World- from Pompeii



Slavery was a common thing in the Classical World, including Rome



The most famous road in Europe: The Appian Way leading to Rome, and the Arch of Titus



The Appian Way in the countryside, going by old roadside tombs of Roman senators and patricians



 Forward to Art of the Early Christian Period-------------)











