Basically, the best services are going to be delivered by the people who are civic minded. Not the transients working and owning the big businesses, but the guys who you can get to know, who you can trust. Both Ike and Joe (see below) serve the community in the Hudson Rotary, which indicates a level of giving-- and hence trust. Ike heads the Hudson Seafest. These are not the kinds of people that are going to rip you off for an extra buck. They are the kinds of people and businesses that make up the core of a real community- and keep us on the road.
Ike's Garage on Amberjack
These guys do it right, do it fair, and make no bones about it. Been here a long time, and are the best mechanics anywhere. "Don't think they won't fix it... they will." Call 727-868-6998 for oil changes and mechanic work. Ike's is located across 19 from Castriota Chevy on a tiny street called Amberjack. Going north, turn just after Bank of America on the left.
"Tim saved me a blown belt on a long highway trip, and I just came in for an oil change!" -Resident
Morris County Auto Body
Call Ike's and they'll refer you here for the bigger damage. Another old Hudson favorite, Morris County Auto Body fixes body damage especially-- even if the car came within an inch of being totalled! Call 727-868-3974 and ask for Joe the owner or Tami. So if you've been in a collision, get a quote from Morris County before you take it anywhere else, you will be surprised.
Tatum's Towing
On Bolton (turn east off of 19 just north of NY Ave.) there is a huge junkyard where the guys will help you find your special part, take care of your car if it is in need of storage, and make sure you get a good deal.
"What's for sale at Tatum's?" "Everything you see."
And on to the online mall that is NW Pasco County------------------>
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