"Rock Against Multi-Culturalism" A foray into the ideological challenges facing modern multicultural institutions as they reach out to youth educated primarily through informal structures Class: "Intercultural Education as a Tool for Conflict Prevention" |
The goals of Intercultural Education today are especially geared towards lessening the mood for conflict among possible antagonists by providing a framework through which these antagonists and their interlocutors can work to resolve the conflict, recognizing it as generated and inflamed by a perception of ‘the other’ as in someway negative. Intercultural Education utilizes multiculturalism as its predominant value, because this value makes available the skills for understanding and communicating civilly with ‘the other’ while in a more advanced form, allows for the ‘other’ to disappear, in and of itself, as a point of contention. This facilitation proceeds not by demands for assimilation, but by mutual recognition of acceptability of 'the other.'[1] It is thought this accomplishment can be wrought through inculcation, into the general population, of the value of diversity as an incontrovertible and ethereal asset to society.
In school classes at all levels today, including the unviersity, a multiplicity of films and books are presented containing examples of intolerance of ‘the other,’ and with behaviors of people which today, were they not still happening in the sadder corners of our world on a massive scale, and in Western society on a scattered, variable and inchoate one, would make us cringe with indignation. In the Western world we have come to expect, since the late 1960s in the United States, Western Europe and Australia, and since today in post-communist Europe, that universities provide comprehensive liberal arts programs geared towards enhancing students’ understanding of the world through multiculturalism. The hope is that these vanguard students move out into society and become public officials, teachers, managers and professionals who become force multipliers of conflict resolution, avoidance and especially, understanding.
An individual's diversity in the academic world has been expressed traditionally through the well known triad of race (skin color), class (socioeconomic) and gender (male, female, sexual minority). These traits were amended along the way with others such as handicapper status, age, national origin, religion and addiction status. Not relegated to personality ornamentation, these factors under multiculturalism are understood as the core aspects of an individual’s existence. Individuals with shared experiences of heartache through discrimination, be it direct against the person or abstract against the group, are encouraged to come together based on their traits and recognize each others’ minority status, helping to reinforce each. National public schools play the most pivotal role in this endeavor of denaturing students before they can come to grow, whether actively or unconsciously, into habitual violators of the rights of others. Like learning foreign languages, multiculturalism is best introduced into the young.[2]
Acknowledging the goals and vision of these ideals as constructive of a better society, and with non-violence, mutual acceptance and peace as their flatly stated ends, it is disheartening but perhaps not surprising to discover forces in existence that have been working to counteract the multicultural worldview, which uses Intercultural Education as its indoctrination arm. As much as there is to complain about in the mainstream media, it must be admitted that in their more virulent forms, non-multicultural values emanate from the non-mainstream media. Another pertinent question is why there would even be antitheses to Intercultural Education, as any such antithesis surely must contain some kind of primordial xenophobia or promotion of anti-multicultural dogma. Any such antithesis is in danger of containing misunderstanding, along with that same gross and negative highlighting of the ‘other,’ which we still live in the shadow of today. Therefore, if there is a root cause of this opposition, we’d like to get at it. Uncovering what the multicultural worldview is up against, without glossing over the bumpier terrain, is necessary if one is to understand the opposition to it. Let us begin this process of understanding multiculturalism’s opposition by looking for a major wellspring of this type.
The informal educational structures teaching anti-multicultural values to youth of the West manifest themselves in different ways. Concerning mass media, television as such does not wholeheartedly promote anti-multicultural thought. In fact, studies have shown that experiencing vicariously the stories of people abstractly unlike oneself by seeing those lives played out virtually on TV- actually even promotes the ideals of understanding the other, to mainstream youth.[3] In music it is quite the same, and many of the most popular musicians (popular to the extent that they themselves become the legislators of the next trends in youth culture), even originate from minority communities.[4] Unlike television however, where a tacit public sanction exists in the form of ratings, music not only can be made extremely cheaply but also without this public / corporate approval or sanction. Though it may not get airtime on radio stations, a kind of rock music has drafted some legislation of its own, a bill damning globalism, multiculturalism and promoting the traditional enemies of these ideals: nationalism, ethnic determinism and a plethora of reactionary worldviews reminiscent more of the 19th Century than the 21st. These rock groups, collectively called 'hatecore' as a genre, are gaining in popularity among certain cohorts of indigenous peoples of Europe and their colonial diaspora, and have an international following.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, [5] a watch-dog group that purports to seek out and expose 'hate,' there are nearly 350 such bands, but among them there is one that has in a singular way influenced youth who have disavowed and rejected the ideals to which Intercultural Education are wed: Skrewdriver. Indeed, study of watchdog groups like SPLC and the Anti-Defamation League constantly and consistently repeat the same name, the ultimate ‘hate group.’ Neither is Skrewdriver a new phenomenon. It has been operating in the murky underground of musical intolerance for the past 25 years, and remains a force even now, over a decade after its lead singer was killed in an automobile crash. Skrewdriver began as a punk rock band in late 1970s England, producing 'British White Nationalist’ music from 1983, when its lead singer had ‘an awakening.’ On a stage in London, it is said he raised is fist in the air and began singing the song, 'Tomorrow Belongs to Me,' to the shock of the spectators and pub management.[6] To see the extent of today's standing of the band, on the official website of fascist group ‘Blood and Honour’s Poland Edition, the first page with content displays quotations and eulogies for the band and its leader, Ian Stuart.[7] The Blood and Honour USA[8]. page, as well as the British page,[9] contains many references to the same.
The Blood and Honour group is not alone in elevating and honoring this band. Among the organizations cataloged by the ADL’s hate-music section, such as Resistance Records,[10] Panzerfaust Records[11] and Combat 18,[12] we find them hailing, quite literally, Skrewdriver and Ian Stuart himself not only as a singer of songs, but as ‘The Godfather of White Power.’ Regardless of the number of bands, the popularity of the music is not only a fringe group matter, as the ADL discloses, “The growing white power music industry, now valued at millions of dollars in annual sales, is the largest source of money and recruits for the Western world's most dynamic racist revolutionaries.”[13] Though not pinpointing exactly who these revolutionaries are nor revealing their methods or agenda, it seems a good time to examine the core values of the verbiage being distributed in the lyrics of Skrewdriver, to a widening audience, and look at just why multicultural institutions fear the music of this band to the extent they do.
Between 1983-1993 Skrewdriver put out fifteen studio albums comprising over 150 songs.[14] The topics run the gamut from glorifying the life of the average skinhead to high and low politics to immigration and the culture war. The post-imperial, multicultural society into which Britain had evolved by the 1980s features prominently in many Skrewdriver songs, and the philosophy is clear: it is not working, it will not work, and it is not desirable. The gauntlet is thrown down from the first album, ‘Voice of Britain,’ where the British government is accused of altering society either on purpose or by incompetent accident:
stand watch my country, going down the drain, we are all at fault now, we are
all to blame
We're letting them takeover, we just let them come, once we had an Empire, and now we've got a slum
We've seen a lot of riots, we just sit and scoff. We’ve seen a lot of muggings, the judges let 'em off.
We've gotta do something, to try to stop the rot, the traitors that have used us, they should all be shot
If we don't win our battle, and all does not go well, it’s apocalypse for Britain, and we'll see you all in hell!
Thus recent immigrants and their offspring are blamed for the moral degeneration of British civil society, as well as for settling in a pattern of urbanization that economically debilitates sections of large cities, turning them into slums. We find the concept of Western guilt driving British acceptence of these immigrants, even an allusion to ‘reverse colonialization,’ of Britain by its former colonies. Here the idea seems to be merging dislike of aliens with embarrassment over the imperial withdrawal- and considering that contemporary British youth (born after the withdrawal), may remain unaware of it, perhaps it is included to encourage the recalling of past glories and become angry at what the society has become. The new migrant population, scapegoated as the perceived ‘other’ responsible for the social degeneration, arrived in Britain after the war, in the time of the song, made up only 2% of the population.[15] Skrewdriver claims on the second album’s ‘Flying the Flag,’ that an elite class of ‘rich man’ follows its self interest only in diversifying British society, doing it for monetary gain for themselves at the expense of working people. Skrewdriver says the long humanitarian tradition, from William Wilberforce on, has a limit:
is our life, we live from day to day
You never know who you're going to meet in our money making state
Everybody lives here now, the dustbin of the world
An unwelcome pool of labour, with our promises of pearls
For so long now, we've heard their lies
When will they heed our people's cries?
When will our people take that bitter pill:
If the Red don't kill you, the rich man will!
Today, the addition of the perceived Islamic threat and the rapid growth of migrants since the song was written (to over 8% today),[16] help us understand the current trend of migrant-bashing and discrimination,[17] as these Skrewdriver lyrics are still taken all the more prescient by skinhead groups. As the Clash of Civilizations takes place within postmodern Western societies, the lyrics find more applicability to everyday life. Another song claims ‘old people are not safe outside,’[18] due to immigrant crime. A pattern emerges: making one social group into a scapegoat for societal ills. In this case, street crime, something no one is fond of, is an easy tool to rally people in an ‘us vs. them’ scenario. Who exactly the disliked immigrant groups are comes to light on the second album, in a song called ‘Before the Night Falls,’ which also rails against politicians which unaccountably favor open borders and a welfare state at the same time, something Skrewdriver maintains is unsustainable:
They come
here to this country from the jungles and from trees
Traitors in the parliament give them a better deal
Spend the nation's money, to cater to their needs
They all accept the charity, then bite the hand that feeds!
By elevating the rankest stereotypes as the norm and disavowing that immigrants generally want to become British and Western themselves, the listener is led to believe that because since the 1960s migration laws activated mass immigration from non-European destinations, the welfare state is being taken advantage of by these migrants, and soon will face collapse due to the importation of too many ‘freeloaders.’ It is one thing, however, to question the efficacy of the welfare state in general, as tens of millions of people do across Europe and North America everyday. It is even understandable to question the notion that modern governments should be ever-increasing their size in a move to ‘direct’ all of society from above, steadily infantilizing the population and moving towards Gleichschaltung, (overall coordination). Yet, the Skrewdriver song is not questioning the system itself, just its extension to immigrants, who are seen as not ‘British’ enough. As in the United States, where by law an immigrant sworn into citizenship ten minutes ago is just as American as a descendent of the Mayflower Pilgrims of 1620, the British system extends the same generous equality of citizenship. Skrewdriver’s insistence on differentiating group rights based on social categorizations is a misdirected place to unleash anger. Is it the immigrants fault that British law is written as it is? Not placing blame where it is due, which is on those who create a system, not those who operate within it by the law, goes against the lawful society Skrewdriver is looking for.
As Skrewdriver is also credited as the very first hatecore band, it did a lot to establish who, through song, the now-traditional enemies of the skinhead movement would be. As in American hip-hop music, hatecore assigns an especially low circle in hell to the police, in another song from the first album, ‘On the Streets’:
Walking down the subway, on the weekend, after a good night out on the town…
there's gangs over here, gangs over there, well there are gangs everywhere.
And you'd better watch out now, cause you’re on your own…
Well it's the day of the boys dressed in blue,
and you'd better watch out if one of them looks at you…
On the streets- Of our towns, on the streets- All around,
on the streets- Everywhere, on the streets- Makes you scared.
Interestingly, we find an allusion to fear of gang violence from the main representative of a group that could be considered a gang itself. We also find the anti-police rhetoric and must pause to see what is not here: recognition that the doctrine of the police requires them to keep society safe from the same gang violence plaguing the same passage. The anger against the police is an accusation of corruption, but it is also an accusation of discrimination- but against the skinhead! Turning racial profiling inside out, Skrewdriver maintains that the police unfairly treat skinheads based on their appearance. Not only street cops are targeted, as Skrewdriver says the top brass orchestrate the whole thing from above, egged on by shadowy financial dealings. Here is the last stanza of ‘This Little Piggy’:
biggest piggy had a lot of cash, he'd gained from certain things
It poured into his bank account from the men who pulled his strings
The biggest piggy didn't like his own land, he loved to see it die
And that's why patriots are banned from flying their flags high
The nationalism tendency in Skrewdriver is, not surprisingly, very strong. Emphatic support and flair is reserved for that 19th Century romantic and positivist nationalism which discredited itself so forcefully during the World Wars, first by creating the conditions for the first, and secondly for excesses of the second. As their view of contemporary Britain was one of disharmony, decline and regret, Skrewdriver imagined reconstructing society after a cataclysm, such as an 1848 style nationalist revolution which succeeds. From the second album song, “Hail the Dawn”:
Come raise the voices of the dead battalions, of those who fell, that
Europe might be great.
Join in our song, for they still march in spirit with us, and urge us on that
we regain the national state... “
The streets are still, the final battle has ended, flushed with the fight, we
proudly hail the dawn…
See over the streets? The White battalion is waving… triumphant standards of a
race… reborn!
This song salutes the martial spirit
of the European tradition, but in a completely new, futuristic setting where
‘white man’ had apparently lost his territories to ‘the other,’ namely, ‘non-white
man’ and then by a war of attrition regained them, most probably in Europe.
Secondly, in both the present and the new future, the values one should have
are of the old ‘blood and soil,’ variety. As seen here, Skrewdriver universalizes songs about larger political
issues to all Europe, sometimes, instead of just the UK.
Indeed, upon closer examination, in a bizarre way the songs mirror the actual unifying trend in the Europe of the 1980s. Indeed, in addition to a narrow nationalism, others songs such as ‘Before the Night Falls,’ call for a kind of multilayered ‘pan-European’ nationalism:
unity, the old Teutonic dream
It’s the script to save humanity, and Europe is the cream.”
As this is a White Europeans only appeal, it is certainly not the kind promoted in Brussels today. Whether the allusion is to the Holy Roman Empire of Otto I and the later Knights of the Cross, to Wilhelmine Germany or the III Reich is not as clear as the crass continental chauvinism. The Maastricht Treaty of 1992 was not the fruition of unity that Skrewdriver advocated. They wanted a Europe embodying their particularly far-right brand of ultra-patriotism, elevating ‘Fatherland Europe’ to a mythical organic dimension. Even more than political unification, the 6th album’s ‘Fortress Europe’ is written as an anthem for a future pan-European Army:
Europe, high in honour, sacred land of faithfulness,
Realize, your’re in danger, in the east and in the west
You stand as your mountains- steadfast, against enemies strong and cruel
Like the eagle high in the sky, never bow to alien rule
back to your forefathers, think back upon great times
European courage, victory, tenacious in every fight
We as brothers stand together, to shield our nations from any harm
As the beast of war engulfs us, hold out in the rage of the storm!
the White man's gods protect us, Europeans must stay free
Ever shield our nations' beauty, from our foes and enemies
For our Europe's land- protection. At the ready- Europe's men.
We defy our foes and traitors- self-defence is no offence
From our moors, lakes and mountains, we will fight save our lands
European strength and spirit, oh we wield it in our hands!
Obviously there is no room for African, Asian or Middle Eastern immigrants in this fantasy of a European Valhalla. Reasons for the current ‘misdirection’ are foisted not only on the erstwhile police as we have seen, but traitors as well. Yes, the concept of ‘traitor’ is utilized as another multifaceted ‘other’ in Skrewdriver’s opus. Traitors come in many varieties and there is no clear political orientation- most politicians simply ‘sell out’ the country. There is an interesting political thought that monarchists use when discussing the benefits of that order, namely that a royal dynasty has a vested interest in keeping their ‘realm’ prosperous (assuming they are a benign monarch) because unlike politicians in a democratic country, who are worried about the short term, they are looking with a long gaze down the horizon of their polity. A similar principle seems revealed in the song, ‘Vampire,’ eulogizing a dead politician (presumably after a long career), laced with anger over that politician’s performance while alive, for short term gains:
So many
lies, until the day he died
They say he passed on, and now our money's gone
It was all show, and now we all know
Yeah, nothing was the truth, lies mirrored his views
He was a vampire, living on another man
He was a vampire, living on the blood of our land”
European empire, built on lies
We don't even know yet, if he acted as a spy
He took away the dues, of the pensioners he mocked
He took away their life's blood, and now they're all in hock
Understanding the Skrewdrivarian concept of traitor to mean ‘mainstream politician,’ an interesting stance is taken on the last album (1994) revealing the band’s foreign policy concept in regards to the breakup of Yugoslavia, while at the same time leveling accusations at the politicians who are not following the hard line of the right:
again, another nation going down
Yeah another country, is left to drown
In Croatia the people fight against another Red Army
But our government is to busy shaking hands, with the murdering ANC
have the power in our hands
We just sit and watch the destruction of another land
it seems that we are next on our government's sick hit-list
Race relations and homo rights, well these causes' feet are kissed
Seems we are minority in our own motherland
Our pleas for justice and common sense, well they disregard and ban…
…We just stand and watch the destruction of another land
Here is a foreign policy doctrine that sees the UK as interventionist in nationalist struggles in Europe. Apparently intervention against Serbia/Yugoslavia would have been preferable to non-intervention. It would be interesting to see the reaction to the later (1999) US/NATO intervention in Kosovo, as the Serbs would certainly have been favored by Skrewdriver against the Albanians. Of course, the end of the song indicates that Britain is itself being destroyed by the politicians, through their liberality in regards to race-thinking and sexual minority issues. During their time, Skrewdriver endorsed the British National Party (BNP) which today favors removing Britain from the EU, and is still active. Its current leader, Nick Griffin, was just cleared of charges of inciting racial hatred.[19] BNP runs on a platform supporting an end to mass immigration to Britain and exists, according to the party constitution:
“…to secure a future for the indigenous peoples of these islands in the North Atlantic which have been our homeland for millennia. We use the term indigenous to describe the people whose ancestors were the earliest settlers here after the last great Ice Age and which have been complemented by the historic migrations from mainland Europe. The migrations of the Celts, Anglo-Saxons, Danes, Norse and closely related kindred peoples have been, over the past few thousands years, instrumental in defining the character of our family of nations.”[20]
That Skrewdriver considers the entire Western world at risk of takeover by extra-civilizational immigrants, which will change society beyond recognition, is clear. Indeed, it might be called the overruling message on each and every album. But a twin threat emerges in their music in the mid 1980s- that of communism. In fact, in response to the popular ‘Rock Against Racism,’ events in London, which were large open air concerts attracting 100,000 people in protest to racist comments by Eric Clapton[21] and David Bowie,[22] Skrewdriver started ‘Rock Against Communism.[23]’ Their anti-communist rhetoric shows through in ‘Red Flags are Burning’:
flags, mayday, there's got to be a better way
Red tanks, mass graves, Red liars always get their say
Yeah, the only good commie is a dead commie, it's about time you learned
That the only time our people aren’t going to face fear is when the last Red
flag is burned
…and here in ‘European Dream,’ a call for all Europeans to blame communists for instability, along with a slight against the police, and an ideological climax:
brother from across the sea, what a future for you and me
I want to know just where we stand, as we fight the Reds in all our lands
It's not us who's planting bombs, it's the Reds who are marching on…
And your police force, helps them, I hope they realize before the end…
European dream, there are things that should be said
European dream, you’re better dead than Red!
More pointedly, specific situations where communism and a ‘Western power’ went head to head during the détente period were used in ‘Soldier of Freedom’:
don't fight for the money, don't fight for the blood, I fight for my freedom, I
know where I'm stood-
I fight for the nations, that haven't yet died, I fight to stop Russia,
creating a world of sighs.
I fought in the Congo, stood against the Reds. I fought in Angola, but the Red
disease, is spread.
I fought in Rhodesia, against the media's pets, Now I see democracy suspended
by it's neck!
Cause I'm a soldier of freedom, a soldier of freedom, a soldier of freedom…
fights Reds.
In the above we find the human interest story of a soldier who, for the good of the cause, fights in three major African bush wars or ‘liberation struggles' in the late 1970s, against the communist side in those wars. That Rhodesia’s transformation into Zimbabwe was a result completely of communist forces is a stretch, although current President Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-PF was backed by the USSR and communist China, with whom the country still cooperates.[24] Unfortunately at least some of the song came to pass, as Zimbabwe is now one of the most terrible dictatorships, featuring forced famines and government sanctioned terror.
Bringing it closer to home, in the mid ‘80’s song, ‘Poland,’ Skrewdriver takes a pro-Solidarnosc stance against Jaruzelski’s implementation of Martial Law, and claims that Poland is misunderstood by the Soviets:
can't understand and you won't understand our land.
I said you can't understand and you won't understand our land…
You tried to take our manhood, you tried to steal our pride,
You made our people suffer, you took us for a ride
We got ourselves a union, to try to air our voice
When it started speaking, you smashed it like a toy
Don't understand our culture, don't understand our lives
Don't understand our suffering, don't understand our strife
I said we don't want you here, with your tanks and your fear, get out
Why don't you leave, and let out country breathe, right now
Poland, Reds out of Poland! Poland, Reds out of Poland! Poland...
…And we are left with a conundrum: if the devil likes it, must it be bad? Can we still enjoy Wagner and Verdi? Going deeper into the philosophy of this most notorious hatecore band, we can fairly say they equate socialist/communist expansionism with an increase in multiculturalism and a loss of traditional patriotic feeling in the West. The band takes an ‘if you’re not with us you’re against us’ stance, implying that liberals and centrist (by not reacting) are aiding and abetting a radical left wing agenda. Despite the mutual exclusivity of socialism and multiculturalism, the two are seen and twin artillery pieces blasting the foundations of Britain and Europe in general, down. ‘The Red Threat’ is an intense example:
is a warning, against a red day a-dawning
With communists trying, to get into our head
Take over the Media, with Marx they force feed ‘ya
Come on all you Whites, fight the threat that is Red
They encourage our mixing, to us it is sickening
And they say, for the Third World, we must provide bread
Just for one occasion, let's think of our own nations
Come on all you Whites, fight the threat that is Red
We'll fight in the cities, we'll fight in the country
And we'll fight, the Red peril, our pride we'll not shed
For the strength of White nations, will be our salvation
Come on all you Whites, fight the threat that is Red
Globalism was less defined at the end of Skrewdriver’s career (1993) than it is today, but it was a budding issue which, though lacking the universal term ‘globalism,’ was in the process of being defined. Seizing on a chance to understand the band’s reaction to globalism, we find an incident put into song about Skrewdriver’s arrest in Germany during a concert in Cottbus to celebrate German reunification. Ian Stuart was released but six members of the band were kept in jail for a month- moved to the maximum security prison ‘Moat’ in Berlin. After, Skrewdriver put the experience into the next album, where they accuse ‘One-Worlders’ and communists for the arrest on, ‘Justice for the Cottbus Six’:
by the remnants, of a communist regime
Corruption in high places, is still around it seems
Six young lives are wasting, scapegoats for the powers that be
Sacrificed to the One-World men and their immigration policy
Yeah six young men are rotting, in a
dungeon that's still Red
One day the truth will break on through, and the chains will all be shed
And the people shout for justice, and none of your dirty little tricks
Yes the people shout for justice, and that means freedom for the Cottbus Six!
If Skrewdriver abhors communists and ‘one world globalists,’ we may be forgiven for assuming that Anti-Semitism is going to be found throughout their catalog, and passed on to their listeners. Interestingly, Jewish references, compared with communist ones, are relatively few, appearing in only five songs, but certainly there. Where they do appear, Jews are portrayed in the ‘Modern’ form of anti-Semitism as opposed to the ‘Teleological Pre-Modern,’ the New Political, or the Postmodern ‘Anti-Semitism without Jews,’ scenarios.[25] They are portrayed as ‘moneylenders’ and generally relegated to the overall ‘traitors’ category. They are presented as being overrepresented in governing bodies and no doubt as loathe in performing that public service with any regard for the ‘common man.’ Here is an example from ‘Hail Britannia,’ off the 3rd album:
were the country that had everything, we were the country, Rule Britannia we
would sing
We were the country, and we could never lose, once a nation, and now we're run
by Jews
As with the communists and immigrants, Jews are shown as another part of the national problem. The stereotype of both the Jewish traitor and the Jewish banker comes up again in ‘Patriot,’ again in the context of the threat to Britain:
enemies plan to take over our nations
Their only ambitions to see Europe fall
They'll be no surrender to the Reds or the moneylenders
Come on all you lads hear the patriots' call
Clearly, mass media cannot escape the wrath either. Skrewdriver believes the mass media not only to be liberally biased, but to essentially function as an arm of the government, pushing all the things they hate. Here is an example of accusations of media bias from a 1989 song, ‘Red Flags are Burning’:
in the media, left-wing! Pushing all their poison about, every-thing
ITV, BBC and Channel 4, might as well be made in the USSR!
Well, we're always wrong, they're always right, if somebody attacks us we must
never fight, (yeah!)
Listen commie, and listen well, you're going to end up in your own Red Hell,
Mass media is further targeted in ‘Eyes Full of Rage,’ as an organ essentially brainwashing the people into docility on the issues meaningful to the band. This sample also alludes once again to a kind of racism against whites in multicultural Western societies, claiming rights for white people are somehow being curtailed without the majority knowing (or caring) about the situation:
day you'll wake up to find
They've taken possession of your mind
They'll make you into a number, they'll take away your choice
They're going to make you into a zombie without a voice
Life as once we knew- it is now dying
White rights are disappearing form the earth
They'll take away our birthright, take away our lands
They're going to take away what was ours since time began
Skrewdriver’s target audience is of course a well known demographic. This demographic during their time as a band were skinheads in the British Isles. This demographic was well known for substance abuse and antisocial behavior, and believe it or not, Skrewdriver covered this aspect of skinhead life… by preaching against substance abuse! Ian Stuart was such an ideologue for his social beliefs that these overshadowed any pleasure one should seek in recreational drug use. Though probably never asked to speak at school functions, the band acted as an anti-drug campaign at times, and heroin, terror drug of the time, was especially targeted in ‘Wasted Life,’
you step out from Room 209, smile on your face, and a teardrop in your eye
Knew you'd been sticking needles in your arm, you always said that it didn't do
no harm
into your eyes, and what did I see? Misery and despair looking back at me
Yours once was a face, full of new hope, now you're down on your knees, and you
just can't cope
One more day, then a long tormented night, one more day, in another wasted life
it may seem better how you are, escaping from reality, from poverty and war
You have seen your country, invaded and possessed…
They treat you and your countrymen, worse than all these guests
really there is no excuse for doing what you do, living in a dream world, leave
the fighting to the few
To waste your life like this, must surely be a crime? I'll tell you at the
moment you're a dreadful waste of time
Another instructive song regards girls and women. It is quite probable that boys and men greatly outnumber girls and women in the skinhead movement of the 1980’s and today. Yet, as is being publicized a lot by the teeni-bopper racist girl band, ‘Prussian Blue,’ girls are definitely a part of the skinhead / racist movement in the US and Britain.[26] Skrewdriver has one song about gender issues, and they twisted it into a song called, ‘War Zone,’ about a girl always on guard in a British city from what danger? Yes, multicultural society:
pavements, street lights, she was born to stand and fight
No favours nor charity, she was never part of a minority
Inner-city baby, brought up tough, look around here now, it looks rough
Nerves of steel get her through her day, she must survive in this concrete maze
It's night and on the corner the dealer stands, one more disease in a
once-great land
She ignores him and passes by, her ambition is not to die
Turns a corner and she's in gangland, it's all eyes, teeth, and white headbands
She keeps her distance 'cos she knows their game, rapes their hobby but she
ain't playing
She's a warzone baby, brought up in a war, she's a warzone baby, she's got to know the score
As we search for the values of the rank and file racist skinhead who listens to this music, it may be worthwhile to look at Skrewdriver’s iconography. They idealize frequently about a great leader called ‘The Warrior’ or ‘Warlord,’ and it seems less modern-industrial thane Medieval, at the same time somehow post-apocalyptic. They value ‘Great Leader’ as a concept regardless as we see in ‘God of Thunder’:
spreads, misery, lot of people live in poverty
Decline of Europe, decline of man, long time ago when the rot began
need a saviour, before long, must be soon before the chance is gone
The great leader, from the north, a true warrior to defend the cause
he comes, the people rise, crush all treason as corruption dies
Don't want more weaklings on our knees, we'll stand proud and destroy the
We see here as well the adaptation of the Germanic philosophy of Nietzsche’s Greco-Roman / Teutonic ‘master mentality’ winning out over the Judeo-Christian ‘slave morality.’ Nietzsche is not the only 19th Century thinker employed, as Darwinian concepts of natural selection and Social Darwinism are utilized in many songs, most notably ‘The Strong Survive,’ perhaps to ingrain or re-enforce the specifically pagan ethos of the listener:
certain people around, who heed the eastern call,
Who'd like to see our slaughter, like to see us fall
We'll here's a message for you, coming straight from the heart
It won't be us who's running, when the battle starts!”
“The strong survive, the strong survive
Look at us baby, we're still alive
The strong survive, the strong survive
Look at us baby, we're still alive
The leader which Skrewdriver seeks is one who will be in the tradition of medieval Vikings, King Arthur and the fascist leaders of modern times. The songs allude, as we have seen, to fantasies of a ‘brave new world’ (for white, patriotic, politically sound Europeans only) modeled on legendary ideal societies of the past. At different times, Skrewdriver refers to Avalon, Camelot, Valhalla and ‘Heaven,’ and the overarching charge is for Europeans to create an Avalon or a Camelot here on Earth in the real world. The exact role of the ‘Leader’ is clear in the song, “Warlord,”
No one's
ever gonna take away his land, not whilst he has the power in his hands
He appears when his nation is in danger, to all our enemies he's a slayer
Warlord, I'll tell you of his story, Warlord, riding into glory…
Fear no evil, whilst he is at hand, he's been the guardian since time began
Protector of the people and the pride, with him at our head now we shall ride
to victory
Warlord, the power's in his hands, Warlord, savior of this land!
Advocating blatant demagoguery here, a ‘Leader’ seems the catch-all solution to all of societies travails. Will this ‘leader’ arise? Since modern people seem not to be ‘arising’ to the post of ‘great leader,’ the past becomes the source for inspiration, as King Arthur is forecast to make a Christ-like return in ‘Excaliber,’
of the future, Merlin took the infant king
And no one saw him 'til he claimed his crown
And since his death his spirit lays in Avalon, in Avalon
Waiting 'til his rebirth comes around
Skrewdriver believes WWII to be a ‘Western Civil War’ or else, a ‘Brothers’ War.’ And it is the subject of WWII, where fascism, their chosen ideology, began and orchestrated a war in which 50,000,000 human beings were slaughtered. Blame for the war is laid in a song called, ‘As Life Bleeds Away’:
a war fought for profit, in a war fought for greed
Life, it costs nothing, it's just another hungry mouth to feed
In a war fought against a brother, in a war from which we're suffering still
A continent still mourns her children, in a war in which White Pride was killed
The terror and brutalities of the Polish or Soviet or any other occupation is not part of the subject matter in the songs about WWII. In the entire catalog, the war is treated in around ten songs, but employed as iconography, without references to the Holocaust- be to deny or not. In reviewing more about Ian Stuart, it seems he did not deny the Holocaust openly, he simply did not talk about it. He turned the focus on the common charges of ‘Jewish conspiracy’ and ‘Zionist’ issues in contemporary Britain. About the war itself, there is a song about Rudolf Hess who escaped to Britain in 1941 to ‘sue for peace,’ and consternation about his being locked up in jail until his death in 1987.[27] There is glorification of the German military machine when it fought the Soviets, but significantly, not when it fought the British, French, Americans or for that matter, the Poles. There is sadness at the Soviet takeover of Berlin and the subsequent split of Germany, and Stalin is referred to as ‘the Beast’ in ‘The Campaign in the East’:
the Red flag of the beast, the commie in the East
Smash the Red flag of the beast, the campaign in the East!
a misty dawn, the spirit was reborn, on the march to the east
Forward to Ukraine, another massive gain, into conflict with the beast
Forward into Russia, across the River Don
Victory and glory, the wheels were rolling on
on those icy plains, they made heavy gains, and now the skies were overcast
And when the winter came, nothing seemed the same, and they just prayed that
they could last
Not so far from Moscow, and near to Leningrad
Victory did evade them now, the weather was so bad
came the deadly road back on the steppes of their retreat
The cold racked their bodies, but worse was the pain of defeat
And people who had hailed them once now turned and looked away
These people now knew that the beast was on his way
You finally came back to the borders of your Fatherland
Now enemies came, traitors everywhere at hand
Many people had fought and died, knowing that they had to win
And still it sickens my heart to see the picture of the Red flag in Berlin
We close with this twisting of values, favoring one murderous dictatorship’s total war assault (German) on another, an enemy (USSR) which, though it was may have been a threat to the world in Skrewdriver’s time, is employed as a ‘justification’ of fascist aggression. What the band leaves unanswered is most telling: what about the murder of innocents, what about Lebensraum? While not openly denying the Holocaust, we have ‘…a war fought for profit…’ instead of ‘started and fought for German lebensraum’ or ‘fascist expansionism.’ Perhaps sometimes it’s easier to ignore the most horrible things than face them, when the bare truth may be what causes you to lose faith in an ideology that you want to be right so much, more than anything in the world.
As we see, this is the essential core of the most virile opposition facing the multicultural education establishment. As the establishment presses on against it, further research should be conducted into exactly what the pillars holding up this worldview really are. Looking back at the entire catalog of 15 albums and over 150 songs, one begins to wonder what happened to Skrewdriver and why they are not on the front page of the newspaper today, weighing in on the Iraq War, Islamic Fundamentalism, social welfare, crime and all the other issues anymore. The answer is a bit shocking, and has elevated Skrewdriver to skinhead martyrdom. In 1993, band leader Ian Stuart, lead singer and writer of every single song, died in a automobile crash with a friend, while one other passenger survived.[28] Being that it was a calm day and alcohol and other cars were not present, an inquest was held, determining that, ‘The steering wheel was ‘ripped away’ from the hands of the driver,’ and the entire incident was left at that.[29] When Ian Stuart died on September 24, 1993, the ‘Godfather of White Power’ was born, ‘Suddenly’:
live in changing times, when certain thoughts are now a crime
Power flows through an evil pen, and freedom's light in growing dim
One day if suddenly, I'm forced to take my leave
Will you still carry on, with the things that we believe?
One day if suddenly, they take my life away
Will you still be fighting to win a bright new day?
Because skinheads and nationalists look to Skrewdriver as one of the primary sources of their ideology, this song became a self fulfilling prophecy in more than one way. By dying and being elevated by a group that is predisposed to seeing change in society possible only through the actions of a strong leader using will to power, the movement now has its core philosophy presented to them on 15 albums by a martyred visionary, probably murdered by the British authorities. But the doctrinal authority, is dead.
[1] Ambrosewicz-Jacobs, Dr. Jolata, class lecture,
[2] http://depts.washington.edu/centerme/k-12.htm
[3] http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/issues/stereotyping/ethnics_and_minorities/minorities_entertainment.cfm
[4] http://www.utexas.edu/features/archive/2003/hiphop.html
[5] http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/article.jsp?sid=139
[6] http://shopping.yahoo.com/p:Skrewdriver:1927016715:page=biography
[7] http://www.bhpoland.org/strona/en_index2.htm
[8] http://www.bloodandhonour-usa.com/sect/news/movement/ohio11-15-03.html
[9] http://www.bloodandhonourworldwide.co.uk/
[10] http://www.resistance.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=32_58&osCsid=3e4049e169
[11] http://www.adl.org/extremism/panzerfaust_records.asp
[12] http://www.Skrewdriver.net/index2.html
[13] http://www.adl.org/hate_symbols/music.asp
[14] Voice of Britain 1983, Hail the New Dawn 1984,
Blood and Honour 1985, White Rider 1987, After the Fire 1988, No Turning Back
1989, Slay the Beast 1990, Patriot 1990, Warlord 1990, The Strong Survive 1991,
Justice 1992, Freedom What Freedom 1992, Dixie 1993, Hail Victory 1993, English
Pride (posthumous), 1994.
[17] http://www.islamophobia-watch.com/
[18] ‘Voice of Britain,’ “It’s a time when our old
people cannot walk the streets alone, fought for this nation, is this all they
get back? Risked their lives for Britain- now Britain belongs to aliens, ‘bout
time the British went and took their Britain back!”
[19] http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west_yorkshire/4672792.stm
The actual charge
was ‘using behavior or words intended to stir-up racial hatred.’ In relation to
the statements he made in a speech: ‘Let’s show ethnics the door in 2004,’
‘Islam is a wicked, vicious faith,’ and ‘asylum seekers are a little bit like
(Clapton urged people to vote for conservative Enoch Powell because ‘Britain is
becoming a Black colony.’)
[22] http://www.lovemusichateracism.com/about
(Bowie exclaimed that ‘Britain should have a fascist leader, that way things
would get done.’ Later, he claimed this comment was due to substance abuse.)
[23] http://www.adl.org/hate_symbols/rac.asp
[24] http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4713961.stm
[25] Ambosewicz-Jacobs, Class Lecture 06/03/2006
[27] The song is ‘Prisoner of Peace’ on the 3rd album
[28] http://www.adl.org/poisoning_web/racist_rock.asp
[29] http://www.reference.com/browse/wiki/Ian_Stuart_Donaldson
Voice of britain (15)
Back with a bang now!
Do you remember in the summer, back in 1978?
When they reckoned that the skinheads' days were numbered
And the papers dripped with liquid hate
Being patriotic's not the fashion so they said
To fly your country's flag's a crime
Society tried its best to kill you...
But the spirit lives until the end of time!
And I'm
Back with a bang, now!
Back with the gang, now!
Back with a bang, now
Back with gang... now! 2, 3, 4
They reckoned every skinhead was a bad man
Enough to make an honest man be sick
And they filled the papers with this rubbish every day
They never missed a dirty little trick, what did I say...?
And I'm
Back with a bang, now!
Back with the gang, now!
Back with a bang, now
Back with gang... now! 2, 3, 4
And still today they keep on lying
Four years on and they still ain't learned...
That the skinhead way of life is getting stronger every day
And we are never gonna turn!
Get out on the job in the morning
Time is draggin' by real slow
Boss is keepin' me on the go
Sick of that routine work now
Sorting's drivin' me insane
When I'm done doin' one thing
Boss says do it again
And I said...
I don't like you
I don't like you
I don't like you anymore
It's time to get off work now
Kick the boss right in the head
All the people givin' me orders
Tryin' to make me see red
I'm prayin' to break out free now
Playin' in a rock'n'roll band
Playin' that rock'n'roll music
Probably gonna get us banned
The summer was coming, I was out in the fields
Well then I heard a guitar playing, loud and clear
I saw an old man, he sat, by a tree
He said 'come and listen to me son now, come listen to me'
He said "Hey boy, what does life mean to you? Well alright,"
"Does it mean got out, get drunk, and drown your blues?"
He said "If that's, what it means to you, well alright,"
He said "Well that's a wasted life and I got nothing more to say to
Quit my job and baby, I went out, and I bought my first guitar
Then I started to learn a thing, 'stead of propping up some bar, what happened?
Sent a tape, got our contract, made us all so glad
Then you started messing 'round with us, now life's just bad
Are you trying to mess us up now, trying to make us quit?
If that's what your trying to do, well, you ain't achieving it
Built up, knocked down, knocked down to the ground
Built up, knocked down, knocked down to the ground
You're wondering how you'll make it through the day
Pack your bag and then you'll get up on your way
Once you had the money baby, and you didn't have to steal
You're a case of pride and I know just how you feel
You can't go home 'cause they'll see that you have failed
Can't afford much food and you're looking pale
Once you had so many true ambitions in your head
Now you sleep in a railway arch but you can't afford no bed
Once they told you about the things that they'd achieved
Made you feel so useless that you had to leave
Trying to figure out just what to do
Wonder what the future holds for you
Being in a cult is part of growing up today
Drifting 'round the streets you're living your life your own way...
In your...
Boots and braces, shaven-headed hoards
Boots and braces, fighting 'cos you're bored
Boots and braces, you'll always get the blame
Boots and braces, we'll come in just the same
Wearing your Ben Sherman in the sun
Trying to figure out just who to run
Levi jeans, Doc Marten boots, and just hear the skinhead roar - Skinhead!
No one stands against us, 'cause we've beat 'em all before
Try and get you banned from everywhere
'Cos you wear your boots and you cut your hair
They would rather see you in a dirty old Afghan
If you were a Left-wing hippie, you won't face no ban
I don't like papers and reading books
Gettin' bored now, thinkin' it sucks
I don't wanna listen to another word
I'm so bleedin' bored
I'm anti-social
I hate the world
I don't wanna go to work another day
I wanna be somebody
I don't wanna wear no dinner suit
I don't wanna family
I ain't gonna be no rich man's tool
I ain't gonna cut my hair
Gonna wear boots and a short-haired crop
Watch the train
Walking 'round the streets and wondering what to do
I ain't got no money or a set of wheels
It's such a drag
Lookin' at the posers and their flashy cars
I'm just walkin' round
Their gonna ??????? have some kids
I ain't gonna settle down
White power 1 - 2 - 3 - 4!
I stand watch my country, going down the drain
We are all at fault, we are all to blame
We're letting them takeover, we just let 'em come
Once we had an Empire, and now we've got a slum
White Power! For England
White Power! Today
White Power! For Britain
Before it gets too late
Well we've seen a lot of riots, we just sit and scoff
We've seen a lot of muggings, and the judges let 'em off
Well we've gotta do something, to try and stop the rot
And the traitors that have used us, they should all be shot
middle eight:
Are we gonna sit and let them come?
Have they got the White man on the run?
Multi-racial society is a mess
We ain't gonna take much more of this
What do we need?
Well if we don't win our battle, and all does not go well
It's apocalypse for Britain, and we'll see you all in hell
On the streets of Ulster, the battle rages on
British people fighting for their land
Fought in two world wars for us, fought and died for Britain
Gotta help them, support the Red Hand
Smash! Smash! The IRA!
Smash! Smash! The IRA!
Smash! Smash! The IRA!
Remember the victims of their bombs
Gotta change our policies and hang the IRA
Let the Army deal with them their way
Corrupt politicians and sniveling left-wing scum
Are quite content to let them get away
Come on Ulster!
IRA supporters are marching on our streets
Are we gonna let them spread their lies?
Are we gonna let them march or are we gonna smash them?
Laughing while the British people die
Come on Ulster!
You risked your life for this country when you were young
Never questioned orders that they gave
'Cos the love of the Red White and Blue was in your heart
And I never thought I'd ever see the day, when I'd hear you say
Now look at a sick society, look back in time
Now look at a sick society, who commits the crime?
You did your time for King & Country overseas
Spent years to keep this nation free
Now you're not allowed to walk the British streets today
And you're fighting 'gainst a foe you cannot see, and I hear you say
When you wanna march in a democratic fashion
Through the streets of the country that you love
Then you're struck down by a mob of screaming monkeys
Raining with bricks from above, and I hear you say
middle eight:
We remember the things that you have done
Against all odds you would not run
We remember the life you gladly gave
Put an English Rose upon your grave
Now you have died, whilst fighting for your country
Fighting 'gainst an enemy that's within
Now I'll make a promise to your memory, Albert Mariner
We'll keep on fighting, until we win
Yeah, we'll never forget you
And what happened to the inquiry?
* Albert Mariner was a pensioner killed by anti-NF protesters in Tottenham.
The then Home Secretary promised a full inquiry into his death. It was never held.
Walking 'round streets, hand-in-hand with fear
No-one can tell what is 'round the bend
Don't side with the other side, 'cos if you do we'll find you
Want to know exactly if you classify as friends
'Cause this is the voice (the voice), the voice (the voice) of Britain
And you better believe it
The voice (the voice), the voice (the voice) of Britain
Come on and fly the flag now
It's a time when our old people cannot walk the streets alone
Fought for this nation is this all they get back?
Risked their lives for Britain, but now Britain belongs to aliens
'Bout time that the British went and took their Britain back
Now we'll have a go at the TV and the papers
And all the media Zionists that like to keep us quiet
Trying to bleed our country, they're the leeches of the nation
We won't give up quickly, we're going to stand and fight
[alternative last two lines in live set]
Started a war with Germany, and gave away our Empire
Remember Adolf Hitler, remember Crystal Night!
Come on Britain awake now!
Walking down the subway, at the weekend
After a good night out on the town
There's gangs over here, gangs over there, well there's gangs everywhere
You'd better watch out now, if your on your own
It's the day of the boys dressed in blue
You'd better watch out if one of them looks at you
On the streets, of our towns
On the streets, all around
On the streets, everywhere
On the streets, it makes you scared
Standing in a concert, having a good time
Paid your money out to see the show
In come the cops, looking for trouble 'cos your white men
Would you believe that this was Britain '84
It's the day of the boys dressed in blue
You'd better watch out if one of them looks at you
You never see politicians out there standing on the streets
They don't care if your kids are fed or got shoes upon their feet
They don't know what's happening, they don't see what's going on
If they did, they'd all be screaming "What the hell is going on?!"
People seem to think if it's in The Sun they've got to believe it
Try to tar everybody with the same brush
Remember, birds of a feather don't always flock together these days
So don't get carried away by the sight of us
They came across the border in the middle of the night
It was much much worse in the cold daylight
There's hundreds of tanks and thousands of men
And helicopters buzzing right above your head
Oh no, it's an invasion, invasion
Oh no, it's an invasion, invasion
They're moving out of cities, they're moving out of towns
If you're caught resisting you're quickly mown down
Everybody's running, but they don't know where
So long as they escape, well they just don't care
You can't understand, why they murder your land
But you can't fight a tank with a stick
And you want to fight back, but the future is black
And the killing is making you sick
The tanks pass by, in a never ending line
Not a man or a woman is spared
And then you wonder why, no help does arrive
The world doesn't seem to care
You've formed a small resistance, you've got a few guns
You plan a small ambush, but you end up on the run
You're running through the foothills, but you'll never make your cave
You're just another rebel in an unmarked grave
Comrades, the voices of the dead battalions,
Of those who fell, that Europe might be great
Join in our song, for they still march in spirit with us
And urge us on that we gain the national state
The streets are still, the final battle has ended
Flushed with the fight, we proudly hail the dawn
See over the streets, the white man's emblem is waving
Triumphant standards of a race reborn
Blood of our blood, spirit of our spirit
Sprang from that soil, for who's sake they bled
Against the vested powers, Red front, and massed reaction
We lead the fight for freedom and for bread
Hail the new dawn!
Hail the new dawn!
Hail the new dawn!
Hail the new dawn!
People who we trusted, again have let us down
Jailing men of this nation, for fighting for our land
We will fight forever, until the end releases us
We will never submit to a six point master plan
This is our land, the European man
So where are you, a land so fair and true
I guess we didn't know
Who was up there running the show
But I can tell you it ain't you or me
A weak land, is an also ran
Yeah we must be strong, and have a common bond
Our pride is our loyalty
Our pride is our loyalty
Our pride is our loyalty to our land
For the blood and soil, of the lands they toiled
And kept the banners high, and fought the alien lies
They come here to this country from the jungles and from trees
The traitors in the parliament give them a better deal
Spend the nation's money, to cater to their needs
They all accept our charity, then bite the hand that feeds
Before the night falls, heed the White call
Before the night falls, when the reaper calls you
Our forefathers fought in two world wars, they thought to keep us free
But I'm not sure that in those wars, who was our enemy
The Zionists own the media, and they're known for telling lies
And I could see, that it could be, we fought on the wrong side
European unity, the North teutonic dream
To scoop to save humanity, leave Europe with the cream
But now our once proud Europe, looks like a melting pot
But melting pots boil over, and it's getting pretty hot
My knees feel weak as I'm led from the dock
My poor mother's screams numb me with shock
One by one, they lock us all away
Trumped up charges is the game they play
Call that justice, well it just ain't fair,
How much longer before you care
Call that justice from an alien judge
Jailed for fighting for the land you love
Locked in a cell, you're shackled in chains
Lost all your dignity, but trying to keep sane
A degrading regime if you speak your mind
If you don't agree they'll give you time
Call this democracy, the land of free speech
Equality and freedom is what they preach
Here's the reality, an alien state
Locking up patriots behind camp gates
I believe in the White race
A race apart, we've got a mile start
I believe in my country
It's where I belong, it's where I'll stay
For my Race and Nation
This old nation's in the hand of fools
Using people as political tools
If you stand up and you say that they're wrong
They'll put you inside, and say that's where you belong
Something's got to change right now
The White race is going down and how
I'm not trying to depress you
Because I believe, we're going to pull through
We live on the streets now, we fight for our lives
We fight for the flag now, we're all willing to die
We don't run from anyone, we never back down
If we see a Red flag, we tear it to the ground
Flying the flag, we fight the Red peril
Flying the flag, we'll fight 'till we die
Flying the flag, we'll never give up now
Flying the flag, we hold our heads high
Survival is our life, we live from day to day
You never know who you're going to meet in our money making state
Everybody lives here now, the dustbin of the world
An unwelcome pool of labour, with our promises of pearls
For so long now, we've heard their lies
When will they heed our people's cries
When our people take that bitter pill
If the Reds don't kill you, the rich man will.
Take it from me now, we haven't got long
Just follow your feelings, the media's always wrong
They're making up stories, to cover themselves
They're lining they're pockets with the nation's hard earned wealth
Walking down the street, avoiding the cops
With size ten boots, and a number one crop
People avoid you as you pass by
Only the smart ones know the media lies
If there's a riot, in here tonight
If you try it, in here tonight
If there's a riot, in here tonight
That's bad news
Read the latest slander in the daily news
Whatever lies that the editors choose
Stories concocted in a liar's lair
How could we do it, when we weren't there
You'll find yourself banned from everywhere
You'll find the criticism real hard to bear
Keep a strong will, hold your head up high
Make sure skinheads never die
The sun on the meadow is summery warm
The stag in the forest runs free
But gathered together to greet the storm
Tomorrow belongs to me
Tomorrow belongs to me
The branch on the linden is leafy and green
The Rhine gives it's gold to the sea
But somewhere a glory awaits unseen
Tomorrow belongs to me
Tomorrow belongs to me
The babe in his cradle is closing his eyes
The blossom embraces the bee
But soon says the whisper, arise, arise
Tomorrow belongs to me
Tomorrow belongs to me
Now Fatherland, Fatherland, show us the sign
Your children have waited to see
The morning will come when the world is mine
Tomorrow belongs to me
Tomorrow belongs to me
Europe what have they got to do to make you come alive
What has happened to the heritage that once was yours and mine
A capitalistic economy, the communists roam the streets
The old people aren't safe outside, what solution do we seek
Europe awake, for the white man's sake
Europe awake, before it's too late
Europe awake, Europe awake now
We've got to get together soon, and take our nations back
The race board, and the traitorous politicians should be sacked
You can't turn on the TV because we know what we're going to see
Either moaning immigrants, or the lying C.N.D.
We've got to get together now, and wage our nation's fights
If we don't act quickly, we're going to face the endless night
We've got to take our nations back, from all the traitorous scum
You'd better believe it, our day will soon have to come
I don't fight for the money, don't fight for blood
I'm fighting for freedom, I know where I'm stood
I fight for the nations, that haven't yet died
I fight to stop Russia, creating a world of sighs
I'm a soldier of freedom
I'm a soldier of freedom
A soldier of freedom fights Reds
I fought in the Congo, stood against the Reds
I fought in Angola, but the Red disease, it spread
I fought in Rhodesia, against the media's pets,
Now I see democracy suspended by it's neck
I fought in Afghanistan, but the tentacles spread
I'm surprised at the speed with which the people forget
We're sending Russia food now, feeding Russia grain
I hope it ain't your land, when Russia invades again, and they will
Hey you up there in your office
Hiding in your private little nest
Trying to tell the people what to listen to
But you clutch the Red flag to your breast
Skrew you, a stranger to the truth
Skrew you, twisting all our words
Skrew you, an upper class worker
Skrew you, to me you're just absurd
I can see right through your image
You're just another wealthy fake
You'll never break your social circle
Because your scared for your own safety's sake
I had read these stories, never really knew
Never really believed them, but now I know they're true
People always told me, never trust a creep like you
And now I've read your stories, I just say skrew you
You claim you're speaking for the people
Exactly which ones do you mean
A beret on your head, red star upon your collar
You don't speak for people on the streets
Walking 'round the streets, one place to another
I feel like I lost out on a will
No you don't come here
Yes you've got to go there as well
Wait here a minute, but I've been here three hours
My legs are acheing 'cos the seats have all gone
Hey you over there, there's a cubicle spare
So come 'ere
Honey, I need money
Money to find my way
I ain't had a bite since Saturday night
And that is now three days
She looked at me like I'm some sort of beggar
You know it's hard to keep your temper at times
We don't know if to pay you 'cos
Your being out of work is a crime, yes a crime.
We decided after thinking, your career is sinking
So we'll offer you a twenty a week
Who was it that said, it was the Bible I read
Said the ones that inherit are meek
One minute I'm in Camden, the next I'm in Eusson
They they send me back to Kentish Town
I've completed lap two, there's a hole in my shoe
And I'm down, yes I'm down
It's been such an ordeal, and the way that I feel
When I get a letter next day
Saying there's something down here, that we need to clear up
And if you don't come, you don't get paid
It's time to face the music, we've let our country down
Upon the face of our nation, there seems to be a frown
Once we were all proud man of this green and pleasant land,
But we've lost alot of tears over you
Very soon our time will come, our nation's doom will toll
They've bought up all our industries, and they've tried to buy our souls
And then our nation's working men, will be the rich man's slaves
Yes, we've lost alot of tears over you
It's power from profit, they're buying our souls
It's power from profit, puts you on the dole
It's power from profit, a good job's hard to find
It's power from profit, they'll soon own our minds
I think it's time our people stood together all as one
And took back all our nation's wealth when the profiteers have gone
Our working men would be fairly paid, for all their sweat and toil
Yes, we've lost alot of tears over you
It's power from profit, the capitalist's a thief
If he stands against us, he better stay out of our reach
We will fight against them with a hammer and a gun
And when our people start to rise, the traitor's time will come
And when our time has finally come, and we've gained our brave new world
The people stand and hail the dawn, the banners are unfurled
We've got to be on guard to see that they don't come again
Because we've lost alot of tears over you
I stand and watch my country today
It's so easy to see that it's being taken away
All the immigrants and all the left wing lies
Why does no one ever ask the reason why
We were the country that had everything
We were the country, Rule Britannia we would sing
We were the country, and we could never lose,
Once a nation, and now we're run by Jews
We want our country back now!
It's time our people stood together side by side
It's time we stood and fought against the media's lies
The capitalists and the communists, well they co-exist
If you love your country, you'll be on their list.
The sands of time are running out for this land
It's time the people stood and raised their hands
It's time we drove out the traitors that we can see
Now is the time this nation should be free, free my land
To dream of freedom in this world
Our banners flying proudly are unfurled
Even if we stand alone we must never hide
For in our hearts there is a sense of pride
For the blood and honour
For the blood and for the pride
For the blood and honour
We must never let our Europe be taken for a ride
We look with caution to the east
We can see the red flag on the beast
Countless millions have died at the Marxists' hands
We would fight and die to keep our land
Marxists' greedy hands around our throats
Bankers buying up your lives and sitting back to gloat
We should fight to control our people's fate
Europe never was no puppet state
(chorus x3)
It's 8 a.m. and your day has nearly started
You must be at the office dead on nine
Hey Mr. 9-to-5 it's just another day
And you must have done the same so many times
Reach the office, you sit down and have a cup of tea
Read the paper and tut-tut at the news
The enemies of this country are marching on our streets
But you don't care so long as they don't touch you
Hey Mr., Mr. 9-to-5
Won't you tell me what you think of life?
Think of all the things that you have missed
Don't you want much more from life than this?
Pick your daughter up from school and take her home with you
You wonder why she's looking bored and down
You wonder where it was that you went wrong, when she turns 'round and says
"Well I hope I never turn out like you"
Don't be too late, don't miss the train
We gotta get a result, Lord what a pain, what a game
We gotta keep fighting, we gotta walk tall
We gotta stick together, and then march forward, one and all
Don't be too late, never hold back when your land's at stake
Don't be too late, the man who holds back has got to be a fake
Don't be too late, people 'round here are never gonna run
Don't be too late, well they can't complain when their time has come
On the streets of Britain, they're trying to grind us down
Government pressure, communist foes all around
We will keep fighting, the sheep behind their doors
It's just another battle, in a private British war, we're fighting for
(chorus) x3
Democracy won't stand the test of time
Unemployment and a rising rate of crime
Will you stay or will you go?
When the time comes you will have to know
Are you gonna stand and fight for your race?
When the storm breaks, which way will you go?
When the storm breaks, you will have to know
When the storm breaks, what you gonna do?
When the storm breaks, can we count on you?
"Predictable" is what I once said to you
Did you listen, no you laughed like a pack of fools
Now you can see what fools you were
You had the chance but you blew it
Now you're gonna face the storm and fight in it
All the papers, the radio and TV
Never known them to tell the truth to me
Only there to brainwash you their way
Got to learn to ignore them everyday
He stuck up for his country, but he didn't like the cost
The European brother war, and lives were being lost
He saw the grieving mothers whose sons could not be found
He wanted peace to stop the endless coffins on the ground
He got up on one morning and he went out to his plane
He said good-bye to his wife, but doubts were in his brain
To sue for peace was his idea in 1941
But the bankers' grip was oh so tight, and the chance for peace was gone
Free Rudolf Hess
How long can they keep him there? We can only guess
I said free Rudolf Hess
How long can they keep him there? We can only guess
He never realised that day that chivalry had died
Britain was in alien hands but at least a man had tried
Forty years is a long long time in a prison cell to be
And I feel ashamed at the sentence passed on a man who wanted peace
And now the situation has changed in many ways
The Allies want to let him go, they've decided he has paid
The Red scum in the Kremlin with their kosher values try
To keep a proud man locked away until the day he dies
He's a prisoner of peace
Kept there at the will of the Marxists in the east
He's a prisoner of peace
Kept there at the wishes of the Marxists in the east
You over-run my country, with your blood and steel
Never thought to ask us, how it made us feel
Cutting down our people, we never had no hope
We stood against your bullets, but we could never cope
You can't understand and you won't understand our land
I said you can't understand and you won't understand our land
You tried to take our manhood, you tried to steal our pride
You made our people suffer, you took us for a ride
We got ourselves a union, to try to air our voice
When it started speaking, you smashed it like a toy
Don't understand our culture, don't understand our lives
Don't understand our suffering, don't understand our strife
I said we don't want you here, with your tanks and your fear, get out
Why don't you leave, and let out country breathe, right now
Poland, Reds out of Poland
Poland, Reds out of Poland
Poland, Reds out of Poland
Poland, Reds out of Poland
You tell me what you'd like to do, but I don't want to know
My only interest is today, and where we want to go
We need the people to awake, and fight for us right now
'Cos we will never be their slaves, and ?????
Tomorrow is always too late
We should never sit around and wait
Tomorrow is always too late
Get out there and do something today
Our enemies are capitalists, communists as well
Both these forms of evil are raining our death-knell
We salute the troops of yesterday, who fought the Marxist plague
And we will carry on your fight as the white men of today
We must remain true to our cause, for comrades thrown in gaol
For their sake and sacrifice, we must never fail
For Crane and Pearce and Kuehnen too, and Eriksson as well
For the lonely man in Spandau, our efforts they must tell
Walk around the city and you hold your head up high
The sheep they'll try and drag you down with their aggression and their lies
Your life is just a struggle 'cos you're proud of your country
But you just keep on fighting, that's the way it's gotta be
People try and put you down and stamp you to the ground
They don't seem to realise there's no way you'll back down
There is nothing they can do to step on you and me
'Cos we'll just keep on fighting, that's the way it's gotta be
instrumental break
We'll just keep on fighting, that's the way it's gotta be.
They'll always put the blame on you and tell the public lies
But we'll be here a long long time 'cos the spirit never dies
We'll speak our minds, we'll fly our flags, we'll fight for victory
We'll just keep on fighting, that's the way it's gotta be
Yeah, we'll just keep on fighting, that's the way it's gotta be
I say, we'll just keep on fighting, that's the way it's gotta be
You're walking along a wind-swept seafront with the cold north wind in your
You're looking out over the restless sea all you ever seem to do is stare
Over there beyond the white-flecked waves and the mist that spoils your view
Like a jewel in the sea is your country of old, the place that means everything
to you
You may like the place that you're living in now but the place you really want
to be
Is your country of birth, yeah the place you grew up, the jewel in the sea
Back to the jewel in the sea
The place that means everything to me
A land that is beautiful and free
Back to the jewel in the sea
You're wondering you ever went away, you're missing everything you've known
Silly little things like the lake down in the park and wondering if the trees
have grown
You miss the food and the friendly atmosphere, the morning papers and the tea
You're getting homesick'cos you're thinking back, of the jewel in the sea
instrumental break
You've made up your mind, go down the travel agency and book a ticket on the
You're happier now than you've been for several years, 'cos you're going back
home again
You've been a traveller for quite a few years, but you're going where you want
to be
Back to the place where you were born and bred, back to the jewel in the sea
Daily papers, black headlines, won't you tell us all the news?
Young girl raped and an old one mugged, and the police look for clues
Soldiers killed in County Down
A lord is killed at terrorists' hands
One fine day
More bad news is on the way
One fine day
One fine day.
Soccer season starts again, we're gonna hit the violent trail
People hurt as violence flares, it's politics again
A caravan is someone's tomb
They're killed in their sleep by poison fumes
instrumental break
Moroccans lose a hundred men in a terrorist attack
They're gonna promise everyone, to make sure they hit back
Drugs are found by cops in Spain
And hundreds are killed in floods and rain
I never stop looking
I'm gonna have more now
Wish someone could tell me
What I'm looking for now.
Will I ever find what I'm looking for?
All I need is for someone to open that door
I wish someone could tell me
What I have to find now
Can't find what I'm hunting
Want to use my mind now
Well I'm searching, trying hard to find out
Searching, trying to ease my mind now
If there's something ?????
Don't you wonder why now
Always keep you searching
All the day and night now
Searching, trying hard to find now
Searching, trying to ease my mind now
He's the kind of man who sticks his job for the money that he gets
He don't spend his money at the pub or making bets
Goes down town, goes in the bar and makes his contact there
He gets the gear, he takes a shot, and his eyes begin to stare
'Cos he's a junkie, needle-man
Needs the kicks, don't give a damn
Yeah a junkie, needle-man
Needs the kicks, don't give a damn
He's getting weaker everyday but he has to keep his job
He'll get no more money on the day he has to stop
One day at work he feels so bad that he falls down on the floor
The boss he assures he don't abuse but he throws him out the door
instrumental break
They find him dying on the floor, yeah he's lying on his back
He's covered in newspapers and a dirty ripped-up sack
The dawn it breaks, the rain it falls, but the young man doesn't live
He gave his life to pills and syringes, and had nothing left to give
Open up your eyes
You are in for such a surprise
You have no idea what's a goin' on
You're just being used, yeah once again
Open up your eyes
Tell me can you see now?
Open up your eyes
Can you see clearly?
Tell me why you're doing what you do
Is it someone else now, or is it you?
You tell me you aren't in it for the wealth
But you're just there for the profit, yeah and nothing else
The left-wing and their minions using you
I tell you now there must be something you can do
At least my self-respect remains with me
'Cos I don't pretend that I'm something I can't be
You have got to try and own your own life
You keep yours, yeah, and I'm gonna try for mine
You look around and then you realise
You see so many people in a different light
(chorus) x2
I've been sitting 'round here waiting for somebody's call
I hope it comes off quickly 'fore the winter starts to fall
We gotta get going quickly, and we got to come on strong
I know just what I want, and I'll get it before too long
I'm taking heed of Europe's call
Before the winter starts to fall
I'm taking heed of Europe's call.
I've been waiting bleedin' soft, in my gloomy room
Got no money to get out, now got to break out from this tomb
I know exactly what I'll do, and baby you can't say I'm wrong
I know just what I want, and I'll get it before too long
instrumental break
Everyday is getting worse and I'm feeling down and blue
You've got to realise the importance of this move
Gotta break out from my thoughts, I've gotta try to carry on
I know just what I want, and I'll get it before too long
Europe's calling!
[bonus tracks on B&H cd]
Waiting for the weekend, on a left-wing afternoon
Reds are gonna lose their power, skinheads gonna call the tune
Pushing through the Red scum, feeling pretty good
The pride of being White men, go for commie blood
All that pent up anger that goes pouring through your head
Streetfight in the city, the Reds are gonna end up dead
Allright now!
The time is nearly here, the tension starts to build
Communists all over, Jubilee Gardens are all filled
Reds are pretty worried about the skinheads at the show
Sheep they fly their Red flag, but the skinheads have their own (White Power!)
instrumental break
What a time we had on Friday night
What a bird you went with, what a sight
And you made excuses for her face
With the usual drinks on the Friday night
Gotta get a girl 'cos time is tight
But the world looks different today
Friday, pay day, good night, I'll say
Friday, a good night
Friday, is all right
Wake up on a Saturday, wonder what's your fate
Gotta face the trial from your mates
????? you didn't really care
Said you'd see her again, what have you done
When you see her face you just want to run
Reckon you're on fruit juice from now on
(chorus 2)
Friday, friday night now
Friday, friday night now
Friday, friday night now
Friday, friday night now!
(chorus 2)
Goin' out on friday, pickin' up your raise
Gonna hit the pub, you've had a real hard day
Forgotten what you did last week
Get into the pub order up a drink
Feeling better now you get a second one
Action replays on the ??????
You ride through the streets with your head held up high
For your flag and your country you're willing to die
Your forefathers fought and your forefathers died
They died for a feeling they felt deep inside
Ref: White rider, white rider, your strength is your pride
White rider, white rider, you'll stand, never hide
White rider, white rider, your flag is your voice
You scorn the conscripted, you're fighting through choice
Your flags are unfolded, salute them with love
To fight for your race is a gift from above
Some fools will oppose you, true men will stay loyal
But the victory shall be ours for the blood and the soil
You feel love for your people, disdain for the fools
The enemy's led by the zionist's tools
You fight for your race which shall be proud and free
And the only reward that you crave is victory
We see it on the streets today, we see it on the news
The so-called British law machine, and it's us who pay the dues
The we read it in the papers that the black man gets it tough
But we all know that this is wrong, and we have had enough
Ref: Where has justice gone, where does it hide?
Where has justice gone, or is it just another lie?
If there's mugging on the streets today, or riots in the town
And we get told by a blinkered lord, discrimination brought it 'round
He says they've got no money, he says they've got no jobs
Well neither have we, and we don't see that it gives them the right to rob
It seems we stand convicted, accused of being White
It seems that we are criminals, for we're not scared to fight
There'll be no surrender, to all our people's foes
We'll fight until the victory, we'll find the way to go
I want to tell you about South Africa, and the so-called fight for freedom
The much praised black resistance, and the communists who lead them
Not too far away in Angola, or nearer home in Zimbabwe
The marxist backed dictators are looking south in fear to see
Ref: Strikeforce, white survival
Strikeforce, yeah
Strikeforce, kill all rivals
Strikeforce, into the devil's lair
Well her neighbouring regimes are enemies, although we're too blind to see
That they're harboring the marxist murderers of the terrorist ANC
And the leaders of the West use sanctions, and scream "What about the
human rights?"
But they don't tell the truth, 'cos they're traitors too
What about the Whites that die?
You're standing in a cell, looking through the bars
Looking at the open fields, so near and yet so far
Wondering about your friends out there, and what they're doing now
And wishing you could be with them today
Behind the bars, behind the bars
Behind the bars, because you stood for you race
They'll try and break your spirit, they'll try to grind you down
If you stand up for your country they don't want you around
You wonder what you're doing here, and is it all worthwhile
They'll never crush the pride that's in your heart
They'll try and make you angry, they'll make new rules for you
Because you are what they fear, for your ideals stay true
Your faith it will sustain you, as you stand firm and proud
You'll never let them tear your country down
The flags are raised in glory, before the battle starts
Time is getting tighter, the pride it fills their hearts
As they march towards the battlefield, the enemy ahead
The final fight is almost here, it's either life or death
Pride of a nation, freedom's salvation
Pride of a nation, they kept the flames alight
A uniform of midnight, with silver on their necks
Their honor was their loyalty, to join their Eastern trek
They fought against such massive odds, earning glory in the fields
But history tries to put them down, for their loyalty won't yield
When the end had finally come, and the odds were just too great
Their pride remained, the courage stayed, for all was not too late
The fire can be rekindled, the flames can fill the skies
Like a phoenix from the ashes, the new dawn will arise
The cattle are lowing, the vultures are crowing
The traitors are celebrating, they think they've won the game
They can stop their clowning, 'cos soon they'll be frowning
They think that they have beaten us, but we will not be tamed
New nation free and true, I pledge my life to you
Now the situation is so tense
New nation free and true, I pledge my life to you
If you fall we'll fall in your defense
The cowards are running, the pressure is coming down
And people who were on our side, now turn and look away
State money is never short, they use the people that they have bought
They may buy some traitors, but we will have our day
They might think that they have won, but one day our time will come
They'll regret their treason, revenge will taste so sweet
When our people come around, all the red flags will be torn down
No longer will the money men look down from power's seats
He sat in a room, in a square the color of blood
He'd rule the whole world, if there was a way that he could
He'd sit and he'd stare at the minarets on top of the towers
For he was the beast, as he hatched his new plans to gain power
As the snow fell, covering the dreams and ideals
As the snow fell, freezing the blood and the wheels
As the snow fell, they had to keep warm for survival
As the snow fell, and defeated the beast's only rivals
They took the old roads, that Napoleon had taken before
They fought as the forces of light against the darkness in a holy war
One day they were looking out in the sunshine on the cornflowers
The next day they were freezing to death in the snow and the ice cold showers
Then came the deadly road back on the steppes of their retreat
The cold racked their bodies, but worse was the pain of defeat
And people who had hailed them once now turned and looked away
These people now knew that the beast was on his way
You finally came back to the borders of your Fatherland
Now enemies came, traitors everywhere at hand
Many people had fought and died, knowing that they had to win
And still it sickens my heart to see the picture of the Red flag in Berlin
I can see the glint of belief shining in your eyes
I know you won't turn back, from the future as it lies
You feel the anger, direct it at the people all around
For it seems that they are asleep, it seems their hands are bound
I can see the fire and I know that it won't die
I can see the flames are burning deep inside your eyes
You're walking 'round, it seems as if you're in another land
It seems the people function with their heads deep in the sand
You start to shout, you start to scream, but the sleepers slumber on
Then you awake, open your eyes, but the nightmare hasn't gone
It seems that life is going to be uphill all the way
But you won't yield, it's no surrender until your dying day
For your ideals mean more to you than very life itself
For the pride you feel is all you need, it's more than any wealth
We see corruption at all levels, we know the end is not in sight
Our government is dealing with devil, they've set out to sell out all Whites
There's thunder in the cities, there's thunder in the towns
There's thunder in the villages, as the walls come tumbling down
We see our nation is declining, but people who are Nationalists are few
Too many people are just whining in the wind, but from small acorns mighty oaks
One day their evil will crumble, one day corruption will crash down
Before our flags they will be humbled, from our mouths will come the victory
Out of the smoke, our blood stained battallions fly
We charge at the enemy, no one unwilling to die
Our banners are flying, our sabres all point to the sun
Our pride is our race, and our enemies scatter and run
We're fighting for freedom, our destiny hangs by a thread
We're fighting for freedom, the flag of our race at our head
We're fighting for freedom, the land of our fathers at stake
We're fighting for freedom, the blood of our ancestors sake
Our enemies ranks are a mixture of colors and hues
We are as one, and as such, we never will lose
We fight for our honor, we fight for a future of light
For darkness will fall and engulf us, should we lose the fight
Heed sounds of battle, the screams of the wounded are loud
The warrior stands and he wipes the hot blood from his brow
We knew that the victory is ours, as we gaze at the sight
The flags of our fathers are raised in victorious flight
Fighting in the city it's a matter of life and death
It's as easy as black and white, and you'll fight 'till your last breath
They'll try and tell you that nothing's yours, but you're White men and they
are wrong
You are the warriors fighting for the people and you fight 'cos you are strong
And they'll never, never beat the warriors
White warriors, White warriors
And they'll never, never beat the warriors
White warriors, White warriors
If they would bother to take a look around they'd see the writing was on the
A lot of young people are waking up and answering the White man's call
If they try to put us down and they don't destroy us we'll get strong
Their constant lies and harassment only helps to make us carry on
When the battle is over and the victory is won
And the White man's lands are owned by true White people,
the traitors will all be gone
The summer was coming, I was out in the field
Then I heard a guitar playing, loud and clear
I saw an old man, he sat by a tree
He said, come and listen to me son, now, come and listen to me
He said, hey boy what does life mean to you?
Does it mean go out, get drunk, drown your blues?
He said, if that's what it means to you,
Well that's a waste of life, and I've got nothing more to say to you
Quit my job and I went out, I bought my first guitar
Then I started to learn that thing
Instead of propping up some bar
Sent a tape, got a contract, made us all so glad
Then they started messing 'round with us
Now life's as bad, just as bad now
Are you trying to mess us up now, trying to make us quit?
If that's what you're trying to do, you ain't acheiving it
Built up, knocked down, knocked down to the ground
Built up, knocked down, knocked down to the ground
The fires raged for many years, it was a time of change
The heavens rained with sorrow's tears, then came the brand new day
That day there was a burnt out field, it's earth was black and charred
It's flowers once were peoples' hopes, but now they were their scars
After the fire, the ruins there did lay
After the fire, would come a brand new day
The field stood in misery, the years passed it by
A new age was awakening, to bury history's lies
One misty morn as day awoke, that field had come alive
Seeds once sown that now had grown, new life that would not die
The new age is approaching, and with it we shall be
The field was 1945 and the seeds were you and me
It's not easy outside, looking in
Never being part of things, they say that we have sinned
We stand alone, those precious few, they know that we won't hide
We're surrounded by Red mobs, and police who take their side
We're out on the mean streets, out in the city
We're out on the mean streets, everywhere
We're out on the mean streets, out in the city
We're out on the mean streets, the fighting is there
What's that smell, what's this hell, it's democracy
Who owns the press, we can guess, the ones with the money
One man, one vote, but still they gloat, the media has control
Three party state, decides our fate, the TV owns your soul
We're attacked behind our backs, we're doing all we can
If the knife should take our life, at least we never ran
We know the Reds are in the beds, police tucked by their sides
The real scum are the ones who run, and once we believed their lies
As we look 'round at our nations, depression starts to settle in
Our once proud Western cities, as the rot starts to begin
Riots on the streets are often, mugging happens every day
Rapists stalk the darkened streets, looking for defenceless prey
Fight for your country, fight for your race
Fight for your nation, for fighting made our people great
As the few up against it, the muggers knife goes in
To oppose our nation's murder, is counted as a sin
We're proud of being White men, and we want to show the world
Against Reds and reaction, we stand with flags unfurled
As we stand and face the future, our eyes raised to the sky
We pledge ourselves to struggle, we'll either win or die
We won't lose ground and be knocked down, we've got a history
Our ancestors look down on us, and pray for victory
Talking bout a land that is made of ice
A land of the North that is full of pride
Hearts full of fire, forests full of snow
We're always made welcome by the friends we know
As we board the Swedish ferry and journey through the night
Gothenburg is waiting, hearts of fire, land of ice
Hearts of fire, land of ice
We cross the mighty ocean and arrive the next day
Comrades are waiting on the dock of the bay
We toast old friendships as we shake their hands
We swear to keep on fighting to release our lands
The next day on to Stockholm to meet comrades of the fight
Their pride is Sweden's struggle, hearts of fire, land of ice
Hearts of fire, land of ice
'Bevara Sverige Svensk' is the slogan there
Nordic pride is the thing they share
To save their Northern country from the Marxist plague
To stop their country dying they fight every day
They're fighting in Uppsala, in Sodertalje they fight
In Boras and in Malmo, hearts of fire, land of ice
Hearts of fire, land of ice
One day you'll wake up to find
They've taken possession of your mind
They'll make you into a number, they'll take away your choice
They're going to make you into a zombie without a voice
With your eyes full of rage, eyes full of rage
With your eyes full of rage, and a heart full of hate
Life as once we knew it is now dying
White rights are disappearing form the earth
They'll take away our birthrights, take away our lands
They're going to take away what was ours since time began
It's time that we all stood up for our nations
It's time that we all made that sacrifice
We'll stand against the traitors, we'll stand up for our rights
And we will never give them up without a fight
Out there on the fields, where battles are fought
There lies a million soldiers dying, in a war in which they've been caught
But back home in the government where the traitors dwell
With thoughts of profit, no ideals, they'll send you somewhere, pretty much
like hell
As life bleeds away, as life bleeds away
As life bleeds away, but the soldier tried
As life bleeds away, as life bleeds away
As life bleeds away, so does a nation's pride
In a war fought for profit, in a war fought for greed
Life, it costs nothing, it's just another mouth to feed
In a war fought against a brother, in a war from which we're suffering still
A continent still mourns her children, in a war in which White Pride was killed
Eighty-seven was his final year
Nearly five decades through a veil of tears
A man whose courage, it was unsurpassed
No surrender until the very last
Forty six years, forty six years
Forty six years, he stayed true to his faith
They tried to break him with their corrupt ways
Offered freedom until the end of his days
They wanted him to denounce the Fuhrer
But his devotion was always true
And now he's dead, Rudolph Hess is free
He's paid the price for his loyalty
A man who left a son and a wife
We won't forget his sacrifice
Hey brother across the sea, what future for you and me
I want to know where we stand, we fight the Reds in all our lands
They try and crush us, bring us down, spread their poison in all our towns
Police protect them as they march, we're arrested, it's getting dark
European dream, there's things that should be said
European dream, better dead than Red
European dream, for freedom and for bread
European dream, better dead than Red
It's our country, we want it back, love for our nations we do not lack
Why do the governments put us down, when the real enemy's all around
It's not us who's planting bombs, it's the Reds who are marching on
Your police force helps them, I hope they realize before the end
The petrol bombs are flying, the people lock their doors
We've got to make a choice now, in the middle of a war
The enemy is taking over out on the streets
And we are not united, and so we face defeat
Retaliate, will be our only hope
Retaliate, can we ever cope
Retaliate, face them on the streets
Retaliate, fight against defeat
As a young man lies dying, the mob begins to cheer
Older people tremble, they have never known such fear
The enemy's taking over out on the streets
And we are not unite, and so we face defeat
Mr. Politician, I won't say I told you so
But now the flames are rising, do you want to know?
You're blaming unemployment and the racists on the beat
I don't see our unemployed looting on the street
Times are changing, everywhere
Our flags are raising, the time is near
Our lives are just a struggle, that we're fighting everyday
I know it can't be easy, it's a time of change
It's a time of change
Stood against us are the scum
They are worried, because their time will come
One that called himself a revolutionary, turned out to be gay
Just a mummy's little rich boy, it's a time of change
It's a time of change
They call themselves political soldiers, but they have a massive yellow streak
A soldier has strength, but they are bent, limp wristed and weak
Pathetic little mummy's boys, there was nothing they wanted for
But come the day when they have to pay, we'll see who they are working for
The other enemy, he held aloft a cross
And in his church that day, he prayed to be the boss
But all he wanted was money, and all he wanted was praise
Now he's gone and the bands play on, it's a time of change
It's a time of change
Sweet wheels keep on turning, carry me home to my kin
Singing songs about the South now, I miss Alabama, once again I think it's a
I heard Mr. Young sung about her, I heard old Neil put her down
Well I hope Neil Young will remember, Alabama don't need him 'round anyhow
Sweet home Alabama, where the skies are so blue
Sweet home Alabama, Lord I'm coming home to you
In Birmingham they lost the Governor, we did what we could do
No Watergate it does not bother me, does your conscience bother you?
The carpetbaggers tried to swamp us, but to the Klan we all stand true
Lord the Klan they give me so much, they pick me up when I'm feeling blue,
how 'bout you?
Well, how do you do young Willie McBride?
Do you mind if I sit here down by your graveside?
And rest for awhile in the warm summer sun
I've been walking all day, and I'm nearly done
I see by your gravestone, you were only nineteen
When you joined the great call-up in nineteen sixteen
And I hope you died quick, and I hope you died clean
Or young Willie McBride, was it slow and obscene?
Did they beat the drums slowly?
Did they play the fife loudly?
Did they play the death march as they lowered you down?
Did the band play the Last Post and chorus?
Did the pipes play the Flowers of the Forest?
Did you leave a wife or a sweetheart behind?
In some faithful heart is your memory enshrined?
Although you died back in nineteen-sixteen
In that faithful heart are you forever nineteen
Or are you a stranger without even a name?
Enclosed and forever behind a glass frame
In an old photograph, torn, battered and stained
And faded to yellow, in a brown leather frame
Well the sun, now it shines, on the green fields of France
As the warm summer breeze, that makes the red poppies dance
And look how the sun shines from under the clouds
There's no gas, no barbwire, there's no guns firing now
But here in this graveyard that's still no-man's land
The countless white crosses stand mute in the sand
To man's blind indifference to his fellow man
To a whole generation, that was butchered and damned
Young Willie McBride, I can't help wondering why
Do those that lie here know why that they died?
And did they believe when they answered the call
Did they really believe that this war would end war?
The sorrow, the suffering, the glory, the pain
The killing and dying were all done in vain
Young Willie McBride, it all happened again
And again, and again, and again, and again
Take no shit from anyone 'cos Great Britain rules
We fight the communists, 'cos communists are fools
Try to take our nation, and give it to the blacks
We won't take it anyomore, we're gonna take our nation back
Nigger, nigger, get on that boat
Nigger, nigger, row
Nigger, nigger, get out of here
Nigger, nigger, go, go, go...
They riot on the British streets, they're burning down our land
But the fools in government put money in their hands
Give them money, give them jobs, ignore the British Whites
We won't stand and watch our land be taken without a fight
Nigger nigger out out! 4x
We've got to love this land of ours, and fight to keep it white
Never going to give it up, 'cause we know we're in the right
And if they try to take it we will fight them to the death
And in the end, the White man wins, because there won't be no rest
Read the papers, watch T.V., hear the media lie to me
On the radio, in the news, you're all wrong except the jews
Doesn't matter who loses face, if it's against the chosen race
If you're white, they'll say you're bad, they must think that we're all mad
If you're white, you're alright
If you're white, today
If you're white, you're alright
If you're white, O.K.
They ban our marches, squash our rights, we'll resist with all our might
There seems to be a moral lack, marches allowed for Reds and Blacks
They started riots, raised all hell, when thirteen men burnt themselves
Had their marches, told their lies, when another black commited suicide
Well it's our country, let's take it back, give the race act men the sack
For the cause some go to jail, and this means that we must never fail
They'll try and make you feel ashamed for everything our race is blamed
They'll try and tell you day is night, but don't forget that white is right.
A phone is on the table, just down the short dark hall
But due to lack of food and drink, you cannot move at all
The pension that they gave you, can't stock you up for long
And in your heart, the anger grows, you know they've done you wrong
The wars that you fought, for the peace that you sought
But for you my old man, just see what peace has brought
The peace has brought you nothing
The light around you darkens, as you weaken every hour
And never in your long hard life, have you ever felt so sour
You've got to see a doctor, or you're going to slide away
You've got to see somebody, or you won't last another day
The pills, they will not dullen, the acheing in your head
You try once more to reach the phone, but you cannot leave the bed
Then you fall back, the pain is gone, and you see your life's last sight
A bare stark wall, so very small, and you say your last goodnight.
We've thought of it with fear
For terror filled years
It reigns by shedding bloods
Would engulf us if it could
We keep on looking to the East
Can't you see the red flag of the beast
We keep on looking to the East
Would you dine with the devil at his feast
Come on you men of the West now
It's got its people everywhere
They're planning in their lairs
Spreading poison in our lands
To deliver us to its hands
We've got to stamp it out soon
Before it brings our nation's doom
Ideals should never bend
To ensure the traitor's ends
Once a land that knew no fear, a people proud and free
No dark infringed upon their lands, a bright light in dark seas
A warrior ruled his people, he kept them safe from dread
And by strength and honour now, a crown upon his head
But now such changes time has passed, besets our proud green land
And now the power passed on to us lies in the traitors' hands
Instead of pride, they teach our men the ways of cowardice
And if a spark of pride escapes, they cast it to the pits
The pride that's locked up in our hearts, though chained is has not died
And one day though we know not when, to freedom will shall ride...
Only few men in history, achieve a lasting goal
Standing firm against adversity, they reach your very soul
The people stand behind these men, their hearts and minds are one
They wanna share the destiny, until the job is done
Well this is the triumph of the will
Well this is the triumph of the will
History books are written by liars, it's not often that you read you're
If they don't want you to know about something, they keep the facts from you
Some now say that Marx was great, and communism's good
What they don't tell is that Marx is in Hell and his flag is drenched in blood
We are the vanguard, the blood and the honour, the troopers of freedom
and light
Government pressure, the scum on the streets, the communist media we fight
Remember places, traitors' faces, they'll all pay for their crimes
All of their lies, will some day die, well I told you six million times
He went to Angola, now, in '76
Some signed up for riders, and others just for kicks
Communism, was a major threat
They must stand against it, the scene had now been set, and I said...
Firepower, directed at the Reds
Fighting as the people slept safely in their beds
The Callan was leader, he hated the Reds
And when it was over the Marxist's called for his head
The media all over the world now, they all are the same
Anything they can do to help the left-wing gain, they'll do it
And I said...
Death to Communism, death to communism
Death to communism, and all its evil ways
????? stood accused now, of fighting the fight
The crime was being proud and being white
The justice wasn't fair and their stinking blood-red rags
One day they will pay as we raise the freedom flag and we say
On a misty dawn, the spirit was reborn, on the march to the east
Forward to Ukraine, another massive gain, into conflict with the beast
Forward into Russia, across the River Don
Victory and glory, the wheels were rolling on
Smash the Red flag of the beast
Yeah, the campaign in the East
Smash the Red flag of the beast
Yeah, the campaign in the east
And on those icy plains, they made heavy gains, and now the skies were
And when the winter came, nothing seemed the same, and they just prayed that
they could last
Not so far from Moscow, and near to Leningrad
Victory did evade them now, the weather was so bad
Against the snow and ice, the soldiers' sacrifice, the dreams were
frozen to their deaths
And came the endless night, freezing cold and gloomy light, many soldiers took
their final breath
And then came Stalingrad, the future looked so bad, even cold had helped the
And near the end of the game, like a plague old Stalin came
And on humanity he'd feast
Yeah, from the steppes of Russia, onto Poland's plains
On onward into Germany, the western power waned
Oh Europe, high in honour, sacred lands of faithfulness
? ?????? ?????? in the east and in the west
You stand as your mountains, steadfast, 'gainst enemies strong and cruel
Like the eagle high in the sky, will not bow to alien rule
Oh Europe hold out, don't give in now
Oh Europe no surrender, that would be a sin, sin, sin
Think back to your forefathers, think back upon great times
European courage, victory, ????? ????? in every fight
????? stand together, shield our nations from any harm
Where the beast of war engulfs us, hold out in the rage of the storm
If the White man's gods protect us, Europeans must stay free
Never shield our nations' beauty, from our foes and enemies
To our Europe's land, protection; at the ready, Europe's men
We defy our foes and traitors, self-defence is no offence
From our moors, and lakes and mountains, we will fight save our lands
European strength and spirit, will be wielded in our hands
We stand here as a barrier against the forces of evil
We stand here to do our best, to keep the blue skies blue
We are here to stand and fight now, to fight for White survival
We are here to face the storm, to make it safe for you
Battle cries now
Yeah, we're breaking the fetters
Battle cries, yeah
Things can only get better
Won't give in and leave us open, to the forces of an alien creed
Won't fall back and cry for mercy, like the weal men always do
We will stand at the battle's centre, with out standards flying proudly
We're the few will fight until the end, yeah we're relying on you
Stand by what you believe in
Stand by, stand by your word
Stand by what you believe in
Stand by, make yourself seen and heard
Stand by what you believe in, never let your people down
When the flak mounts all around you, keep on smiling you must never frown
If the situation gets to you, let another wind you down
If you stand by what you believe in, they can never keep you down
Battle cries, yeah
Battle cries, yeah
Battle cries, yeah
Battle cries, yeah
(written by Townshend)
No one knows what it's like to the bad man
To be the sad man, behind blue eyes
No one knows what its like, to be baited
To be slated, for telling you no lies
But my dreams they are as empty, as they claim our aims to be
I have hours, only lonely, my love is vengeance, that's never free
No one knows what it's like to feel these feelings
Like I do, and I blamed you
No one bites back as hard, on their anger
None of my pain though, can show through
When my fist clenches crack it open
Before I use it to lose my cool
When I smile, tell me some bad news
Before I laugh, and act like a fool
If I swallow anything evil
Put your fingers down my throat
If I shiver please give me a blanket
Keep me warm, let me wear your coat
This time it's just a scuffle, well what can I say?
Put it all behind me, 'til another day
It's a daily battle, fight it 'til the end
One day they'll realise I'm not gonna bend now
All out attack now
Yeah, the courage we won't lack
No turning back
No turning back
Red worms are moving, a Marxist shows his face
Teaming up with allies, from in Woburn Place*
Funny how they're together, natural team they're not
Red star and blue star, well have I learned a lot now
Media's coming at us, we stand up strong
Enemy of the White man, trying to kill our song
We won't fall before them, for there's no turning back
The cowards will not beat us, courage we won't lack
Riding down the highway, going to a show
Stepping on the by-ways, playing rock n' roll
Getting robbed, far from home
Getting beat up, broken bone
Getting had, getting took
I tell you folks it's harder than it looks
It's a hard road, carrying on playing White rock n' roll
It's a hard road, carrying on playing White rock n' roll
The leaflets for the gig day, 'cos the left-wing lies
No ads before the big days, we know the reasons why
Getting old, getting grey
Getting ripped-off, underpaid
Getting sold, second-hand
That's how it goes playing in a band
If you think it's easy doing one-night stands, oh baby
Try playing in a rock n' roll band
If you wanna get up on the stage and scream, well baby
Look out now because it's hard and mean
We don't really know, it's not easy to say
What happens tomorrow, what happens today
The wheel of fortune is a crazy thing
And it can make you cry and it can make you sing.
I'd like to know what it's going to be
What is the future, for you and me?
It could be destruction, or we could be free
???????????? so I could see
As the wheel goes 'round
As the wheel goes 'round and 'round
As the wheel goes 'round
And for the future we are bound
Are students' unions ever going to be
Responsible people, and work for the free?
But ???? always be there, as communist tools
Convenient platform, for Marxists and fools
Freedom for one man, but not for the next
Orwellian nightmare, do we detect?
Oppose your own nations, oppose your own race
A devil called Lenin, speaks through their face
If a traitorous Marxist sees a national flag
He pickets in protest, he thinks it's a rag
For he is not normal, he's eaten by hate
Hate for his country, and fear of his fate
He knows if we still live, we'll never give in
We know what he's doing, yeah, we'll never give in
And that's why he's trying to destroy our White pride
And he will be hell-bound on a one-way ride
Yeah, the blue skies are above him
Yeah, the white clouds are below
The mountains are all passing
As the north wind starts to blow
It's the flight, the flight of the eagle
As the snowy mountains gleam
It's the flight, the flight of the eagle
As he flies towards his dream
The earth beneath is dying
The people's minds are dead
Brainwashed by today's life
Lies fill up their heads
The eagle is the warrior
His destiny will not wait
And the sheep that never woke up
Well they all deserve their fate
Red flags, May Day, there's gotta be a better way
Red tanks, mass graves, Red liars always get their say
'Cos the only good commie is a dead commie, it's about time we learned
That the only time our people are gonna taste freedom's when the last Red flag
is burned
Red flags are burning (burning)
White pride unfurled (burning)
Red flags are burning (burning)
All across the world
Selling papers, telling lies, supplying Mother Russia with ready-made
Total evil, unwashed, trying to tell our people that we've already lost
Defeatists say that we can't cope, they will meet their justice at the end of a
Red traitors, Marxist scum, I think our country's been over-run...
The lies of the media- left-wing! spreading
all their poison about,
ITV, BBC and Channel 4, might as well be there, in the USSR
Well, we're always wrong, they're always right, if somebody attacks us we must
never fight... (Yeah!)
Listen commie, listen well, you're gonna end up in your own Red hell! Well!
As the snow fell, on a cold and grey Chicago dawn a poor little baby
child is born
In the ghetto (White ghettos)
And his mother cried
If there's one thing that she don't need it's another hungry mouth to feed
In the ghettos (White ghettos)
People don't you understand? A child needs a helping hand
He'll grow to be an angry young man some day
Take a look at you and me, are we too blind to see?
Do we simply turn our heads and look the other way, as the world turns?
And a hungry young boy with a runny nose plays out in the street as a
cold wind blows
In the ghettos (White ghettos)
Just black and white
So he has to roam the street at night and he learns White Pride and he learns
how to fight
In the ghettos (White ghettos)
And then one night in desperation, the young man breaks away
He buys a gun and drives his car, he orders his life but he dot get far, and
his mother cries
As a crowds gathers 'round an angry young man, face down in the street
with a gun in his hand
In the ghetto (White ghettos)
As the young man dies
On a cold and grey Chicago dawn, well another baby child is born
In the ghettos (White ghettos)
And his mother cries
White Pride
And his mother cries
White Pride
It's all around our town, yeah it's all around our cities
And it's dragging us down, yeah it's not very pretty
Stamp it into the ground baby, this could be the last chance
It's dragging us down now, this could be the last chance, to slay the beast
Slay the beast
It's killing our land, it's killing our people
For it has no pity, the beast is just evil
Slay the beast now!
instrumental break
It's using a blindfold, to cover our eyes
It's gaining a foothold, by using its allies
Slay the beast
Slay the beast
Slay the beast
(written by Kooymans / Hay)
Been driving all night, my hand's red on the wheel
There's a buzz in my head, and it drives my heel
When my baby calls and says she needs me here
Well it's half-past-four and I'm shifting gear
When I got lonely and the longing gets too much
She sends her comfort coming in from above
And we don't need to talk at all
We've got a thing and it's called radar love
We've got a wave in the air
We've got a thing and it's called radar love
We've got a wave in the air
Radio's playing some forgotten song
Remedy is coming on strong
Well the road has got me hypnotized
And I'm spinning to a new sunrise
No more speed, I'm almost there
Gotta keep cool now, gotta take care
Life's gotta a buzz now, here I go
And the line of cars goes down real slow
Yeah the radio plays some forgotten song
Yeah the remedy is a'comin' on strong
You might sing the same old song
One more radar lover gone
Look around and what did I see
A land that's fit for you and me
Smiling faces everywhere
Our nation's people with no cares
Didn't think that this could ever be
But then I woke up yeah, it was a fantasy
Oh no, no, no, no, no, no
I saw our people proud and free
No more traitors I could see
No more lies to make us slaves
Freedom brought a brave new world
And now our people all as one
We can go where we never would have gone
No one worries, a thing of the past
Give us freedom that will last
If I was a man who'd been away for twenty years or more
And then I'd come back once again
And I saw the changes that had happened since I'd gone
Well I'd think I'd gone insane
What happened to my country, what happened to my land
What happened to my nation, well I can't understand
When I went away, everything was pure and clean
And now there's rubbish all around
Where there was light, now suddenly it's dark
Yeah this land is going down, down, down, down
I tried to come to terms with what has happened through the years
But I still think that it is wrong
That a land that once was proud and free and cared for all its own
Now cares more for the ones who don't belong, don't belong
There seems to be a lot of people going around
Thinking that they're something they're not
Trendy little Lefties playing at big boys
Trying to put us on the spot
And I don't know who they think they are, but they're a joke to me
And I hope they know that we've got long memories
And I don't know just who they think they are
And I don't know just who they think they are
We are independent, we follow no line
Take us as we are, although
Our uniform is the colour of our skin
We fight against the river's flow
No one's gonna chain us, to their narrow little views
Had enough of always being used
And I don't know just who they think they are
And I don't know just who they think they are
middle eight:
Independence day, Blood & Honour came our way
Now we're free to air our voice, now we're free to make that choice
Don't walk the narrow line, if you're White well that is fine
Don't be taken for a ride, get up there and spread White Pride
And I don't know just who they think they are
And I don't know just who they think they are
And I don't know just who they think they are
And if they don't watch out they're gonna go too far
(adapted from Jagger / Richards)
Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long, time, don't know how many men's soul unsaved
I was around when Jesus Christ had His moment of doubt and fate
Made damn sure that Pilot washed his hands and sealed His fate
Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name
But what's puzzling you is the nature of my game
I stuck around St. Petersburg when I saw it was a time for change
I killed the Czar and his ministers, Anastasia screamed in vain
I rode a tank with general's rank, Red revolution was threatened by dark
The victims of the communist doctrine are rising and the future looks dark
Just as every cop is a criminal, and all you sinners are saints
The censors just call me Lucifer, 'cos I'm in need of some restraint
If you meet me have some sympathy, have some courtesy, have some taste
Use all your well-earned poverty, for I'll lay your soul to waste
Don't need them to tell me what I'm doing
Don't need them to tell me my land's in ruin
Don't need their newspapers, I can read the signs
I don't need television, to tell me what's on my mind
Yeah the freedom hunters, our flag unfurled
Freedom hunters in a hostile world
Freedom hunters, we want what's ours
Gonna shake them in the ivory towers
Won't except their rules, one day we'll pay the fools, I promise
We're writing up the lists, and the one with bare fists, d'you want it?
Don't need your high treason, don't need your ball and chain
We're gonna smash your tyranny, we will rise again
It's a thankless task, to choose the road we've taken
Our reward will be to see the towers be shaken
Now stand up here beside us, and don't fall by the way
For our martyred comrades, we're gonna have our day
I only met you once before, as ships pass in the night
But now I see your SOS, it seems you left the fight
I do not know your reasons, but don't give up too soon
It will not always be this way, there's gonna be a different tune
If you've fallen by the wayside, get back on the road
Show them that they cannot grind you down
If you've fallen by the wayside, get back on the road
Drive 'em out from cities and from towns
Well the winds of change are sweeping, hard across the land
The shackles are a'breaking, the victory's at hand
I can see them trembling, as their lives begin to fall
The vengeance is awakening now as we heed the holy call
Don't you try to push your views, back down my throat
Don't you try to feed me with your news, try to fool me then you'll gloat
Don't intend to spend my time, listening to your lies
I've had enough of double-talk, until the day I die
I'm riding the wind, now that I'm free
I'm riding the wind, baby don't blame me
I'm riding the wind, baby I won't stay
I'm riding the wind, get out of my way
No one tells me what to do from your society
The leaders wouldn't know the truth if it was plain to see
Don't you try and uphold the laws that go against this land
Most politicians are legal whores who want to fill their hands
Yeah I'm out on the road, there's no closed doors
I've got my own code yeah, I don't need yours
And if you're willing to be told corrupt and two-faced lies
Your pathetic weakness leaves me cold, I would rather die
From freedom's flame we are searching
We're on the quest for freedom's light
It's the first thing in the morning
And it's the last thing late at night
From this road I will not wander
From this road I will not stray
From this road I will not wander
On this sacred road I'll always stay
In our hearts the lust for life is burning
And in our hands, responsibility
For we're the ones who saw the evil being done
We're the ones who hunt for freedom's deed
But now as evil crumbles, elsewhere
Our fight must be in our own motherland
Whilst we stared towards the evil in the East
The evil in our own back yards took the power in their hands
In the country split by strife, and carved up by the victor's knife
And at the end at the communist's call, Berlin was split by an evil wall
Corrupted minds divided the spoil, and you were caught in the serpent's coil
They tried to say that your pride was a crime, and they tried to bury pride
until the end of time
Tear it down now, tear it down
Tear this wall of tears, tear it down to the ground
Tear it down now, tear it down
Tear this wall of tears, tear it down to the ground
And now the people dance in the street, ??????????? and the foe is
Just look now the Red beast has stopped killing, we must remember that he's
dangerous still
The price you paid for believing the truth, in the evil victory yeah the wall
was the proof
The Nuremberg martyrs' voices raised, and the world will know they should have been
Wall of tears...
As enemies plan to take over our nations
Their only ambitions to see Europe fall
They'll be no surrender to the Reds or the moneylenders
Come on all you lads hear the patriots' call
Come on all you lads hear the patriots' call
They can stop all their bluffing, they're entitled to nothing
And they don't belong here with their alien ideas
For we'll not be beaten, the true European
Come on all you lads hear the patriots' call
Come on all you lads hear the patriots' call
We'll stand and we'll fight, 'til the last man and woman
And we won't give an inch of our national pride
And we'll fight and we'll beat them, 'til we finally defeat them
Come on all you lads hear the patriots' call
Come on all you lads hear the patriots' call
instrumental break
We'll fight in the cities, we'll fight in the forests
We'll fight in the mountains, for Europe we die
For we'll not be mastered by no Marxist bastard
Come on all you lads hear the patriots' call
Come on all you lads hear the patriots' call
Come on all you lads hear the patriots' call
Come on all you lads hear the patriots' call
You've robbed the whole world's people, taken them for fools
Took their land, you've ruined lives and imposed your alien rules
Sat back and you rubbed your hands, and you took them for a ride
But when the lies begin to crumble, you'll have nowhere left to hide
When the lies begin to crumble, you'll have nowhere left to hide
You're stirring up a deadly war, the rich against the poor
It's you who makes decisions, it's you who opens sores
Brother fighting brother, and maybe you don't care who dies
middle eight:
You'll have nowhere, nowhere, nowhere left to hide
Better leave here quickly, 'for the people start to rise
Nowhere, nowhere, nowhere left to hide
You can stop the low waves ebbing, but not the raging tide
instrumental break
It's you the arch-seducer, controls the people's fate
Whenever there is civil war, it's you who sets the pace
The people are united, well if that destroys your lies
(chorus) x2
From a window, directing dreams
You just ignored your people's screams
You were a king, and she was your queen
One more dictator in the corrupt East
Then came the rise of the common man
His one strength was the love of his land
Stood against bullets, as the clubs rained down
Swore to bring the revolution around
You were living on borrowed time
It's time to run
You were living on borrowed time
Your time has come
You never thought they would win the day
Against the dreaded Securitarte
Hidden tunnels and deadly lead
To you it didn't matter if the people got fed
Marxist ideals leave a bitter taste
But you didn't close every door in your haste
Freedom's foot was jammed in the door
And now you're losing a bitter war
instrumental break
Your bloodstained flags are tattered and torn
As a another power-base is newly born
Your evil empire came a'tumbling down
The seas closed in and your power drowned
Well Elena and Nicolae*
How does it feel now it's time to die?
You never thought you'd hear the reaper's call
Shot to bits against a bloodstained wall
(chorus) x2
For red scum!
* Nicolae Ceausescu, Romanian leader 1947 - 1989.
I see a phoenix arising
Like a phoenix from the ashes raised
Sweeping evil before him
Marching on towards better days
Marching to the cities, marching
Marching to the towns, marching
With your banners before you, marching
Spread what you say, and spread it all around now
Rising, phoenix rising
There's job to be done now
Don't back down from the coming fight
We're gonna lighten our load now
And drag us back from the endless night
instrumental break
Now many flags are unfurling
And standing up to the tyranny
Men and women with a common bond
Tell each other "You can lean on me now"
(chorus) x2
So often everyday, if there's a problem turn away
Apathetic, don't care, that's an attitude everywhere
Gotta wake up, get involved, when there's a problem get it solved
Come on people, right the wrongs, believe me now we ain't got long
Stand up
Yeah, stand up
And then there's enemies all around, trying to kill us, drag us down
Massed Reaction, Red Front, One-Worlders, join the hunt
We're the few now, we're the brave, it's a struggle every day
Let 'em know, beat the drum, never beat us, we won't run
instrumental break.
Could our government tell me, what their policies are supposed to be?
Do you realise what you've done? Now our country's, over-run
Politcian, explain, what was happening in your brain
Foreign intruders, that's true, but I bet none of them live near you
Stand up, and be counted
Stand up, and be counted
(chorus) repeat to fade
As I board the ship of destiny, I look back to see
The setting sun going down by your shoulder, gloom descends on me
You're my calm in the raging waters, of the stormy seas
You're the one thing that keeps me sane, on the ship of destiny
Agony reigns in my heart
Tears of pain as we part
My mind's ablaze with tortured doubts, and sleep it will not come
The lashing rains of uncertainty, make me think of things I've done in the past
Like to run from all this pain, I'm trapped upon the decks
The storm's approaching, the skies are dark, and dreams could be shipwrecked
instrumental break
The north wind blows confusion's gales, and lightning strikes again
Thunder rolls and the endless days are driving me insane
To fight the madness I think of you, no longer will I roam
Back to you, the haven of your love, I'm finally coming home
(chorus) x2
You took our people, and baby you took our land
You ignored the pain, and you stole from our hands
You took away our pride, and you came into our homes
And now we're strangers in our own land, and on strange paths we roam
Silent night before the dawn
Don't you think that it's the calm before the storm?
Once we were proud men, and now we're down on our knees
We have let them take over, and now they do as they please
What's it gonna take, to light that spark of pride
And if our courage does not waken, we'll be taken for a ride
instrumental break
Tell me you people, are you willing to act?
For the men that could save us, they will need to be backed
No one should sit back, and leave it to the rest
And every person's courage, will be put now to the test
(chorus) x2
You stand in the middle of the road, you follow no creed or code
You don't know just where your going
Your mind is in turmoil, your blood begins to boil
You don't like the way that the river's flowing
Sooner or later
You're gonna change your mind
Sooner or later
I know you'll find the truth now
The leaders that do not care, how you or your family fare
Wealth's the only thing that they all look to
Your heritage will be sold, for favours and alien gold
If you knew the things that they are up to, and they're up to
instrumental break
Lot of the things that the people lack, have been stolen from behind
their backs
But the liars tell us that it's alright
The sooner that we all know, where the nation's resources go
Hope it's not too late before we all stand and fight
(chorus) x2
Throughout time, there's been crimes, throughout our history
But not as great, as the one of late, affecting you and me
Once a nation proud and free, and now we're weeping sorrow's tears
Tragedy's approaching, it's worse than all your fears
Come on my countrymen
Come on and take a stand
Don't let 'em take away your land
Once our nation's future, was decided by the sane
And now a poison's leaking in, and coursing through our nation's veins
Now this poisoner worships gold, and don't care for you and me
It's using veils and cunning words to make us blind so we can't see
instrumental break
Looking back to times gone by, when man fought for his land
Now with his pride they put him down, and try to tie his hands
Our ancestors, they lost their lives, to make our futures' good
Now it's our turn to stand and spurn the poison running through our blood
(chorus) x2
(adapted from Jagger / Richards)
I see a white door and they want it painted black
No colours anymore, they want to turn them black
I see the girls walk by, dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head, until the darkness goes
No more will our green sea go turn a deeper blue
I could not foresee this thing happening to you
If I look hard enough into the setting sun
My nation lasts with me, until the morning comes
instrumental break
I look inside myself and my heart's turning black
Act before the tragedy, we want our nation back
Up 'til then some fade away, too scared to face the facts
It's not easy facing up, when your whole world seems black
Don't wanna see your face, painted black, black as night
Don't wanna see the sun, blotted out from the sky
Don't wanna see you painted, painted, painted, painted black, black as night
Feeling low, which way to go now
It's a freak-show, down in the city
Broken dreams, and desperate screams
The switchblade gleams, down in the city
Empty cans, forgotten plans
Begging hands, down in the city
Litter strewn, a broken tune
End comes soon, down in the city
Down, yeah down
Down, down in the city
Down, yeah down
Down, down in the city
Nothing's new, the mood is blue now
What's the truth, down in the city
The streets of gold are really yellow mold
The heart is cold, down in the city
Watch your back, never slack
The soul is black, down in the city
Look around, at every sound
Compassion has drowned, down in the city.
instrumental break
Rough and stormy seas, the nation's on its knees
Either vein please, down in the city
Try to escape, to get into shape
Leave the riot and rape, down in the city
Death's on the prowl, walker once heard a growl
With a scythe and dark cowl, down in the city
Gathering gloom, spelling out doom
The reaper comes soon, down in the city
(chorus) repeat to fade
Once upon a time, in a land so true
The land of milk and honey, for me and you
Now you're just another figure in a long long line
And then they wonder why, there's a rising rate of crime, they say...
Can't spare you the time
I'm busy can't you see?
Can't spare you the time
You're just another beggar to me
All of the good times, have been and gone
Life's just a struggle, yeah to carry on
They got all the money, but they won't create no jobs
They're bringing in poverty, and giving money to the cops, they say...
instrumental break
(chorus) x2
I know that your world and my world don't seem to mix
We've both got different ways of getting our kicks
My way is flying the flag and backing down to nobody
Your way is making up lies, and telling your stories
You give us so much pressure
You're trying to bring us down
You give us so much pressure
But we ain't gonna get out of town
Lies, lies, lies, you never seem to tell the truth
I've never seen so much rubbish and it's written by you
You call yourselves the Gentlemen of the Press
Well who are your bosses? Well I can take damn good guess
The time is gonna come when you have to account for your lies
Whether you tell the truth must depend on the price
You ruin somebody's life and then it's back to the bar
Nothing else matters but expenses and your company car
Our backs once more, against the wall
Survive we will
It's all been planned, a dying land
We'll fight and kill
It's an early warning sign
It's an early warning sign
It's an early warning sign
Yes it is
Don't start to push, we've had enough
You're not our boss
Control the masses, but weren't not that
We're not brainwashed
instrumental break
Do you believe, the lies they preach
On their TV and papers?
Well if you do, then you're no use
'Cos they're just trying to shape us
Well we are free, spiritually
Although our land's imprisoned
Their so-called law, is just a whore
That warrants our derision
It's Saturday evening, out to the bar
I'm crowded in with all my friends
Gonna sink a jar or two
We ain't like commies, we've got smiles on our faces
They never smile, they never laugh
They've got the troubles of the human race on their shoulders
But we're having a good time
Living life on the line, yeah
Having a good time
And I feel fine
Look over there it's a lefty, sitting with his red star on
We all stand up, we have a laugh, it's obvious his mind has gone
He says that every man's an equal, and he says, every man's the same
Yeah but one man's rich, and another's poor, well life's a funny game, ain't it
instrumental break
We're being followed 'round by policemen, they must have nothing better
to do
And out there there's muggers robbing the old, but they'd rather follow me and
They don't wanna damage relations between our country and its unwanted guests
They're just looking after minorities, and they don't give a toss for the rest,
no they don't, but...
(chorus) to fade
Sweet child, bad city, once upon a time
Prostitution, poverty, and a never-ending rate of crime
Corrupt police, in it for the money, never a thought of the truth
We were warned a long time ago but it didn't seem to do much use
Don't try it 'cos I now what you're doing
Don't try it 'cos I know your game
Don't try it, all your two-faced lying
Don't try it, 'cos we know your name
Evil men in an office, pretty in their ties and shirts
All you touch turns to corruption, King Midas' touch in reverse
It's what you always said that you would be doing, while we slumbered on
Anyone who stood in your book of evil, would fight before the chance has gone
instrumental break
(chorus) x3
And the people call for justice, justice
And none of your dirty little tricks
Yeah the people shout for justice, justice
And that means freedom for the Cottbus Six
Within four evil walls, accused of a crime
But all they've done is be in the wrong place at the wrong time
Doing all that we can do to free the innocent
But our hands are bound by the lying Press, and the corrupt governments
Six young lives are wasting, scapegoats for the powers that be
Sacrificed to the One-World men and their immigration policy
Tell you now when it's your plan to try and bring us down
Your corrupt plans will tumble, 'cos we'll always be around
Arrested by the remnants, of a communist regime
Corruption in high places, is still around it seems
And six young men are rotting, in a dungeon that's still Red
One day the truth will break on through, and the chains will all be shed
We are mother Europe's sons
And we, are the chosen ones
We are mother Europe's sons
And if a fight's worth fighting gonna carry on
We are mother Europe's sons
And we are the chosen ones
We are mother Europe's sons
And if a fight's worth fighting gonna carry on
Freedom, what freedom?
Well I ain't got much money, don't care too much for gold
But I care for my nation, and this has took its toll
For I just want to live my life in the manner proud and true
Don't need no interference from the good old boys in blue, and I say...
What price freedom, in this world today?
What price freedom, what am I allowed to say?
Don't care too much for Tories, Labour wants to flood this land
Don't care too much for Liberals, with their wishy-washy plans
I just care for my country, and the people who belong
And 'cause I'm proud to say it, they'll probably ban this song, when I say...
instrumental break
Our banner's not a dollar sign, nor a blood-red rag
Nor a white surrender, but a proud and honest flag
And no one's gonna stop us, from holding it up high
For the honour of our nations, we'll fight until we die, and I said...
(chorus) x2
This little piggy went to market, this little piggy to the fair
This little piggy wore a big blue hat and he followed us everywhere
Wherever we go, so does he, in his little car
If he works well for the money-men, well he knows that he'll go far
This little piggy says that he's the boss
Listen piggy, we don't give a toss
This little piggy wants to send you down
Don't like people with a mind of their own
This little piggy has a wooden stick, taps it on his hand
Hit you on the head if you speak your mind, well don't he think he's grand?
This little piggy had a radio, to call up all his mates
To plan their lies, to tell on oath, to try and seal your fate, yeah
instrumental break
The biggest piggy had a lot of cash, he'd gained from certain things
It poured into his bank account from the men who pulled his strings
The biggest piggy didn't like his own land, he loved to see it die
And that's why patriots are banned from flying their flags high
(chorus) x2
Got feelings, inside
Deep feelings, they won't die
This feeling, makes me feel fine, so fine
And for this feeling I would lay my life on the line
Come on now, stand proud
Don't cower, shout loud
Speak up, don't waste no time, oh no
instrumental break
Can you feel it, inside
That feeling, called pride
If you can't, well that's a crime, yes it is
(chorus) x2
It's in our minds as we take the stage
The memories of a by-gone age
An age of heroes, and age of kings
An age of valour and enchanted rings
A man was judged on the battlefield
Became a leader if he did not yield
A traitor'd never stand against the storm
But now we got 'em in uniform
We're descended from the blood of the kings
We're descended from the blood of the kings
We're descended from the blood of the kings
We don't back down to anything, or anyone
We hold a pride in our history
A memory of it used to be
Before the traitors took the reins
Condemned our people to misery and pain
However hard they try to grind us down
Our nation's spirit will never drown
So take heed you evil ones
One day your corruption will all be gone
instrumental break
For the blood of the martyrs
The blood of the kings
No surrender is the song we sing
They try to gas us with their stinking laws
But all they are, are alien whores
Paid for treason, against their own
The stink of traitors always lingers on
When we rise it's their turn to hide
We'll smell their fear when it's time to die
(chorus) x2
Once a mighty nation, split asunder
A calm blue sky, beset by thunder (Donar)
Once a land, so proud and free
Until the wall of shame came down on Germany (Deutschland)
But now you're one land
One land
One land
Free once again
They may have split the flesh, but they could not split the blood
And they could not split the spirit of the people (Das Volk)
And they tried to grind you down, tried to knock you to the ground
And tried to beat you with the hammer and the sickle (Sichel)
instrumental break
At the end of the brother war, the pain was so much more
As the instigators stage-managed the dying, (Das Sterbend)
And they tried to take your life, back in 1945
But I hope that the spirit once again is rising (Aufstand)
(chorus) x2
Du hast ein Gefuhl, das in deinem Herzen ist
[You have a feeling, that in your heart is]
Sehr stark das aus dir macht, was du bist
[Very strong and powerful, that you are]
Ein Gefuhl tief, innen, stolz
[A belief deep inside, pride!]
Ein Gefuhl das nie, sterben soll
[A belief that never, dies out]
Reicher Mann, armer Mann, das ist doch egal
[Rich man, poor man, you are both equal]
Es kostet kein Geld, es its fur jeden da
[It costs not money, it's just there]
instrumental break
Der Stolz diener Nation, der Stolz diener Rasse
[The pride in your nation, the pride in your race]
Stolz diener Geschichte, Farbe dienes Gesichtes
[The pride in your history, colours your views]
Verlier es nicht, sonst bist du verloren
[Lose it not, or you will lose]
Halt es feast, sonst zahlst du schon Morgen
[Hold it firm, for countless beautiful mornings]
(chorus) x2
Got a phone call, Benito
An invitation to play a show
To Bassano, Del G
In the north of Italy.
Got a plane out to Milan
Traveled up and then the fun began
To the camp-site, in the north
Organized for a worthy cause
Salute all Italia, ritorno a Camelot
Thank you for the Festival of Light
Salute all Italia, ritorno a Camelot
Veneto Front is keeping up the fight
Met Fanto, with his banjo
Little twisting and a'drinking wine
Sun was shining, sky was blue
The Alps were gleaming and we all felt fine
instrumental break
The Reds had screamed, and the Reds had moaned
The organizers just a'carried on
VFS for the Order New
For Europe's future we salute you!
(chorus) x2
He looks to the east, he worships the beast
Nothing but air in his head
Appears in your eyes, peddling lies
Selling ideas that are dead
He's out there every single morning
Talking 'bout his new day that is dawning
On no, here comes a commie
Red star on his breast
Oh no, here comes a commie
Won't you give it a rest?
He hates his own land, he has a plan
To bring it all down to the ground
Confuse you with lies, installs his spies
Brings our destruction around
He just wants to see our nations dying
His desire is for a Red flag flying
instrumental break
Support for his plans, comes from alien lands
People who don't belong here
They come to these shores, they always want more
With their lies and their crocodile tears
The Red gets his support from these invaders
Hopes that their sheer numbers will evade us
Oh no, here comes a commie
Says his revolution is nigh
On no, here comes a commie
Won't you off and die?
For far too long, we've let our enemies knock us to the floor
No one cares to lift a hand, until the knock is on their door
We've gotta stop Red infiltration, in all our motherlands
We gotta stand up for our nation
Stop them Reds, the future lies in our hands
Cobwebs have all gathered, they now obscure the view
Majorities are in a trance, and the fight's left to the few
middle eight:
When the north wind blows, the doubts will linger no longer
When the north wind blows, the message makes us stronger
When the north wind blows, the chill breeze brings us strength
When the north wind blows, there's no more sitting on the fence
The Marxists are all crowing, they think they've won the fray
Even rich men's governments all listen to what they say
(chorus) x2
Panic spreads, misery
Lot of people live in poverty
Decline of Europe, decline of man
Long time ago when the rot began
We need a saviour, before long
Must be soon before the chance is gone
The great leader, from the north
A true warrior to defend the cause
God of Thunder, God of War
Hail Europe! Hail Thor!
God of Thunder, God of War
Hail Europe! Hail Thor!
When he comes, the people rise
Crush all treason as corruption dies
Don't want more weaklings on our knees
We'll stand proud and destroy the disease
It seems that now's our time of need
Now's the time for all heroic deeds
Now's the time to stand and break old chains
End our people's misery and pain
After battle, at victory's call
We'll stand and drink to our enemies fall
Grind their bones into the sand
Make sure their evil never rises again
There is a road, and it leads to Valhalla
Where only the chosen are allowed
There is a boy, with a dream of Valhalla
A place in the land of the gods
But in the heart, where the fire burns forever
Where life goes on, for those who fell in battle
The gods are waiting, the moment he falls in the fight
And he will rise, when the sun goes down
Raised high his sword, as he cried out "Valhalla"
His dream had become reality
Tonight he will dine on the road to Valhalla
Chosen to feast with the gods
But in the heart, where the fires burn forever
Where life goes on, for the mighty young Viking
The journey has finally come to an end, for the boy
And he has risen as the bravest of them all
When we make a stand they try to knock us down
But we are up again, and we carry on
We may be down again, but not for the count of ten
However they hit us, we'll be back again
The strong survive, the strong survive
Look at us baby, we're still alive
The strong survive, the strong survive
Look at us baby, we're still alive
There's certain people around, who heed the eastern call
Who'd like to see our slaughter, like to see us fall
We'll here's a message for you, coming straight from the heart
It won't be us who's running, when the battle starts
instrumental break
We've gotta join together, gotta act as one
We've gotta take action, before the chance has gone
As enemies of all kinds fear for their lives
For our quest is eternal and the strong survive
(chorus) x2
Crime in the classroom, spouting forth from some Red mouth
Some call it a teacher, they'll try to tell you that north is south
They're making up stories
Tell you that fighting for your land is wrong
Then want us all weak now
They're not doing their job if you are strong
Ignore the voice of evil
Stand up and be strong
Ignore the voice of evil
'Cos you're right and they're wrong
They never stop trying, to make you feel bad
Ashamed is how they want you, for the things your country's had
They say self-defence is evil
They tell you should take it all
Losing is good now
What a load of bull, I say stuff 'em all
instrumental break
They say all men are equal, there's no difference at all
Well who's it that lives in mud huts, yeah while others live in halls?
Yeah do we run 'round with spears?
Do we eat other men?
Are we a gang of bankers?
But the teacher says we're just the same as them
(chorus) x2
From the land, the blood arose, becoming flesh and bone
And then on came the family, the building of a home
The land was their religion, from its earth they came
Its trees and fields and rivers, were their eternal flame
Then came the foul invasion
And the night came rolling black
And a strength that was born long ago
Held those invaders back
The dark lord came forth with his men, to pillage in the glen
Their faces grim, with scarlet flags, they came about men
The evil grew within their hearts, this was an alien creed
Their wishes were to loot and burn, and see the people bleed
instrumental break
The warrior fought the battle, out on the battlefield
Too long the strife was waged, his fate would soon be sealed
For far too long the daily lies had served to keep him down
Apathy had been the plague, but now he'd come around
Let's hopes it's not too late, for a man to do great deeds
For a garden to be healthy, you must first destroy the weeds
And if he's left it too long, destruction will soon show
And he'll be left in darkness, to wander aimless roads
In the wasteland, the carrion feed
In the wasteland, our people bleed
In the wasteland, bones gleam white
In the wasteland, if we don't fight
Our in the darkened forests, the whispering began
Warnings circulated, they spread across the lands
And in the people's hearts and minds, something did awake
The spark of pride had come alive, and the evil power quaked
The blood that was the strongest, began now to unite
The common bond of all our men, had taken up the fight
And evil powers everywhere, will all come tumbling down
For we'll not bow to any man, and we'll not wander 'round
instrumental break
In the wasteland (x5)
I get a feeling, despite the double-dealing
Someone's trying to grind us down
Despite the storm breaking, people are awakening
We're always gonna be around
Shout out loud "We're strong and proud"
No one's gonna kill our voice
No treacherous scum gonna have us on the run
Trying to murder freedom of choice
If we stand proud, and get knocked down
Well that's the way it's got to be
If we die trying, well I prefer dying
To living on my knees.
Will it be a Red day? Not if I have my way
You can shove their stinkin' two-faced lies
If they get their say, there'll only be bad days
Stand and watch as freedom dies
Don't give up the fight for what is good and right
We've got to keep the vultures at bay
I'm living for the times that they pay for their crimes
When we're sweeping all the rubbish away.
(chorus) x2
(written by Black Sabbath)
Finished with my woman 'cos she could not help me with my mind
People think that I'm insane 'cos I am frowning all the time
All day long I think of things, but nothing seems to satisfy
Think I'll lose my mind, find some things to qualify
Can you help me?
Do you hear my mind?
Oh yeah
Make a joke and you will find, I will laugh and you will cry
Happiness I cannot feel, love for me is so unreal
Despite the heavy load, that on our shoulders goes
We march towards the raging storm
Onto the battlefield, for we shall never yield
As from our love ones we are torn
With gleaming swords and shining shields, our flags we proudly wield
Towards the field of death we ride
Our battle songs we loudly sing, for victory they will bring
Old comrades riding by our sides
Hail and thunder, the lightning fills the sky
Gone's the calm that calm that comes before the storm
Hail and thunder, we're not afraid to die
A mighty sea of warriors marching on
For high ideals we make our stand, to cleanse all poison from our lands
We fight the evil and the greed
Whilst dark forces created strife, to bleed our nation of its life
Long ago they planted the evil seed
They spread a plague, a wicked spell, to keep our people locked in hell
To keep us from the forests and from fields
They always hoped we would not know, but now the devil's cover's blown
The strength of light is gonna break the evil seal
instrumental break
(chorus) x2
In every town, every neighbourhood
You'll always meet one, though you never should
He'll be your friend, he'll swear on his life
Then turn your back and in goes the knife
He'll always say he agrees with you
Nod his head at your point of view
And when you're gone he'll change your loyalties
He'll go and side with your enemies
'Cos he's a backstabber, there's one in every place
Backstabber, which one is your face?
Backstabber, can you hear the call?
Backstabber, that's gonna bring about your fall
Backstabber loves to see you fall
You have to put your back up against the wall
He'll do his best to bring you down
For two-faced lies, he's the worst around
The hatred lurks behind his eyes
But on his face is a friendly smile
One face and then two
But turn around and the knife's in you
instrumental break
(chorus) x2
(written by Judas Priest)
Look around, they're moving in
Move around, when they begin
You can do it, you can do it and if they wanna they can try it
But they'll never get near, and they can get out of here
Gonna keep on trying, never stop
United, united, united we stand
United we never shall fall
United, united, united we stand
United we stand one and all
Give me hope, don't give in
Don't give up, we're gonna win
You can do it, you can do it, and if they wanna they can try it
But they'll never get near, and they cam get out of here
Gonna keep on trying, never stop
(chorus) to fade
Damp pavements, street lights
She was born to stand and fight
No favours nor charity
She was never part of a minority
Inner-city baby, brought up tough
Look around here now, it looks rough
Nerves of steel get her through her day
She must survive in this concrete maze
She's a warzone baby, brought up in a war
She's a warzone baby, she's got to know the score
It's night and on the corner the dealer stands
One more disease in a once-great land
She ignores him and passes by
Her ambition is not to die
Turns a corner and she's in gangland
It's all eyes, teeth, and white headbands
She keeps her distance 'cos she knows their game
Rapes their hobby but she ain't playing
middle eight:
Living in a warzone, living in a hell
I don't recall the exact day that our country's morals fell
Living in a warzone, where death stands by our beds
Did we ever vote for this?
They seem to want our nation dead dead dead
(chorus) x2
Can you tell me why, so many days?
Spent in the rain, with so much pain
Why can't the sun, come breaking through?
Come shining down now, on me and you, yeah
Why can't the sun, come shining down?
Then we'll have won, no black clouds around
Too many hours, spent in the gloom
Watching visions of, impending doom
Get off your seats, and stand up straight
For you can control, your own fate
instrumental break
Then don't tell me, nothing can be done
With that attitude, nothing will be won
So we'll stand and fight, looking up to the sky
As we wait for light, it's either win or die, now
(chorus) x2
Come shining down
Come shining down
Come shining down
Come shining down on me
In shrouded forests, in England's leafy dales
An air of mystery, yeah, of long-forgotten tales
Where time stands still, and flowers sway, and the river passes by
A place of peace, of mystery, where the autumn breezes sigh
I will remember, the mist upon the downs
Yeah, that September, the mist upon the downs
Through country roads, and winding lanes, leading to the hills
I walk and gaze upon the land, until I've had my fill
Peace of mind is yours to find, in a countryside so green
And there's no man could stand and fail to be moved by this scene
Misty days, and secret ways, beneath the autumn trees
Falling leaves upon the ground, yeah the calm is all around me
When troubles come, when problems rise, the woodland pull is strong
Surrounded by the forest deep, there is no right nor wrong.
Spoken intro:
Once upon a time, long ago, or maybe not so, in a land that progress had
attempted to destroy. Where many people had lost hope, and the enemy reigned
with cruelty and evil. This land where once the people were proud and free, now
they cowered in fear and servility. From this desert of destruction and
despair, once more to the fore in his nation's hour of need... to the enemy's
terror, and his people's elation, came the Warlord...
No one's ever gonna take away his land
Not whilst he has the power in his hands
He appears when his nation is in danger
To all our enemies he's the slayer
Warlord, I'll tell you of his story
Warlord, riding into glory
Warlord, the power's in his hands
Warlord, saviour of this land
Fear no evil, whilst he is at hand
He's been the guardian since time began
Protector of the people and the pride
With him at our head now we shall ride to victory
instrumental break
No one messes with the people when he's around
Heed this warning enemies and get out now
All those traitors out there he knows who you are
Battlecries are sounding warriors near and far, near and far
(Tribute to the Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler)
Into battle, a fearless man
Been around since the struggle began
Saw it all through the worry and pain
Fought hard in every loss and gain
He did it all for his people
He stood and fought against the evil
One in a million, he battled so hard
One in a million, leader of the guard
One in a million, he battled for you
One in a million, his honour is true
'33 was the Order's start
Ten thousand to begin the guard
Clear the streets as the troopers march
Storm columns ready to start now
They marched from tyranny to freedom
The people with the hero there to lead them
instrumental break
Now they're ready to give their all
They can hear their forefathers' call
Death will march at their right hand
Victory will be the black bands'
Marching for a Europe of the people
And at their head their gallant leader
Out in the cold
Out in the cold now
The powers say to us now do as you're told
Or you could find yourself out in the cold
They say they'll use their agents to grind us down
They have their puppets everywhere as we have found
Out in the cold
Kicked out of the fold, yeah, now
Out in the cold
Yeah, but we'll never sell-out to you
Out in the cold
They use paid traitors to air their views
They lied and they cheated and they use a ruse
They have their methods, yeah, spreading lies
They'll never crush our spirit, it will never die
instrumental break
I've never seem then use such dirty tricks
They're trying to use a law against guitar licks
And if the law ain't legal well they say "so what"
It's just another erosion in our nation's rot, now
Out in the cold
Out in the cold now
Out in the cold
Out in the cold
They came upon our people in the dead of the night
Death and destruction in the morning light
Jail for our fighters, bondage for the strong
They've had their own way for far too long
Their kingdom will fall
Their kingdom will fall
They put the people into debt and slavery
It's not the way a healthy nation should be
They censored what we said, they censored what we thought
But now is the time that we cannot be bought
instrumental break
They tried to put us on a highway to hell
But now we'll wake our people with the toll of the bell
Our land will be ours, our people will be free
Now we're on the road to recovery
(chorus) x2
They've done it all behind our backs
Took advantage of the feelings we lacked
And now it's coming up to midnight
We're gonna have to stand up and fight
What they've done here is a mighty sin
When the people were sleeping, the evil crept in
When they did one thing, but no-one cared
Then they did another, but no-one was aware
No-one seemed bothered as they planned our fate
They hoped we wouldn't wake up before it's too late
instrumental break
They tried to take it all but now we're awake
We're fighting back for our nation's sake
They'll try and use the traitors to cover their tracks
But the people are aroused, there's no turning back
(chorus) x2
(written by Rossington/Van Zant)
My mother told me, when I was young
Come sit beside me, my only son
And listen closely, to what I say
And if you do this, it will help you some sunny day
Oh take your time now, don't live too fast
Troubles will come, and troubles will pass
Go find a woman, and you'll find love
And don't forget son, there's someone up above
And be a simple kind of man
Oh be something, yeah, you love and understand
And be a simple, yeah, kind of man
Oh won't you do this for me son, if you can
Forget the lust now, for rich man's gold
All that you need is, is in your soul
And you can do this son, if you try
All that I want for you my son, is to be satisfied
instrumental break
But don't you worry, you'll find yourself
Follow your heart, and nothing else
And you can do this, if you try
All that I want for you my son, is to be satisfied
(chorus) x2
The country's rugged heathland
See the nation's sea and sand
This our people's pride and joy now
Yeah, this our motherland
Soar aloft you Golden Eagle
High above the sea and sand
High above the dark oak forests now
Hail to you my motherland
Old ancient oak trees
And dark beech groves
Greening birch trees
Frame the meadow-land, soar aloft now...
instrumental break
Farmers and towns-people, of true blood stock
Always hail now to their homeland, in loyalty, soar aloft now
Here motherland, always be our watchword
Our loyalty to the homeland, in all times to come, soar aloft now...
(chorus) x4
(written by Young, Young, and Johnston)
Back in black, hit the sack
I've been too long I'm glad to be back
Let loose, from the noose, that kept me hanging about
I keep looking at the sky 'cause it's getting me high
Forget the hearse 'cos I'll never die
I've got, 9 lives, cat's eyes
Usin' every one of them and running wild
'Cos I'm back, yeah I'm back
We'll I'm back, Yeah I'm back
Back, back
Back in black
Back in black!
Back in the back of a Cadillac
Number one with a bullet in a power pack
Now, altogether, with the gang
Gotta catch me if they want me to hang
On the track, beat the flack
Nobody's gonna get me on another rap, now
Look at a me now, making my play
Try and push your luck or get out of my way
instrumental break
instrumental break
Deutschland erwache!
It took us twelve hours since the journey began
Until we finally came to the Fatherland
Dortmund City was the rendezvous
Proud German comrades doing what they could do, and now...
Bring back the glory of Deutschland
Bring back the glory of Deutschland
We travelled with comrades across the north
We went to do a concert for the people's cause
And now a thousand heart-beats beat as one
German-British friendship it will carry on
Uber alles!
instrumental break
And then upon a tour of some German cities
The beer was strong and the girls were pretty
All our German comrades and all our friends
You can rest assured we will be back again
(chorus) x2
It derived from the time of legends
Came Merlin to put claim upon the King
Took him far away from Tintagel
And gave to him the knowledge of many things
Excalibur, it came to Arthur - Excalibur!
The sword that came from the lady of the lake - Excalibur!
And one day as the nation cries in agony - Excalibur!
The king will rise again for our people's sake
As Uther died with Arthur's reign beginning
The nation's dreams became reality
The hopes the people had in the Round Table, at Camelot
The power of the sword slayed enemies
instrumental break
Protector of the future, Merlin took the infant king
And no one saw him 'til he claimed his crown
And since his death his spirit lays in Avalon, in Avalon
Waiting 'til his rebirth comes around
(chorus) x2
Returning home from the battlefields
Take your seat in the hall of kings
Celebrating recent victories
Look to wars the future yet may bring
The warrior is he, fighting for victory!
The warrior is he, fighting for victory!
Let's drink to our mighty warriors
Let's drink to the northern winds
Let's drink to our women's beauty
Let's drink before the war begins.
When you're young you chose the lifestyle of the warrior
To live and die to keep your people free
You had good times, you had bad times, never did a thing by halves
Your life is built around honour and loyalty
The warrior is he, fighting for victory!
The warrior is he, fighting for victory!
Let's drink to the coming battle
Let's drink to the blood-soaked fields
Let's drink to the thrill of combat
Let's drink as our foes all yield
instrumental break
(chorus) x2
We live in changing times
When certain thoughts are now a crime
Power flows through an evil pen
And freedom's light in growing dim
One day if suddenly, I'm forced to take my leave
Will you still carry on, with the things that we believe?
One day if suddenly, they take my life away
Will you still be fighting to win a bright new day?
The people who've stood against us
They seem to be above the law
With the power to listen into private moments in our lives
And the power to come kick down your door
Our strength has come from ideals many years' old
A strength that has survived within our blood
A strength our foe has recognised, and sworn to drag it down
He wants to drag our people through the mud
(chorus) x2
You stand out from the crowd
With the love for your nation undimmed
Well it seems that your country is crumbling
But you won't stand and let the enemy win
Your duty is to stand firm and steadfast
To stand proud and stand free is a must
You are the light in the darkness
You are the diamonds in the dust
You are the diamonds in the dust
Yeah you are the diamonds in the dust
I said you are the diamonds in the dust...
They keep coming back but we won't go away
We'll never surrender, gonna win the day
They might as well give up, we'll never give in
They'll never beat us, 'cos losing is a sin
Hail! (Hail!) Hail Victory!
Hail! (Hail!) Hail Victory!
Who do these people think they impress?
With their little red badges, peculiar dress
Spouting beliefs we all thought are dying
How can they still believe Das Kapital's lies?
Just like the lies of the media
Black, White and Red
We're still aware of the reds under beds
Take a big brush, sweep the dirt out
They can try and hide filth, but we know it's about
(chorus) x2
So many lies, until the day he died
They say he passed on, and now your money's gone
It was all show, and now we all know
Yeah, nothing was the truth, lies mirrored his views
He was a vampire, living on another man
He was a vampire, living on the blood of our land
European empire, built on lies
We don't even know yet, if he acted as a spy
He took away the dues, of the pensioners he mocked
He took away their life's blood, and now they're all in hock
instrumental break
And now they say he's dead, but I am not too sure
Buried on a mountain, the land must be impure
If justice had been done, he'd be buried in the trash
'Stead of living it up, on other people's cash
(chorus) x2
Living on the blood of our land
Living on the blood of our land
Living on the blood of our land
Things have got worse as time has passed
It's my nation, first and last
No one's gonna take our pride away
No one can tell me that we asked for this
To have our land thrown into the abyss
Treason and deceit are the orders of the day
Come on boys, hear the white noise
Come on boys, hear the white noise
What you gonna do when it's too late?
Let the stranger control your fate?
Let all our music be taken away?
It's a little weird how it's gone so far
Like a madman at the wheel of a car
No one's gonna know the final date nor day
instrumental break
We know the ones who've brought us to this
The ones who gave our land the deadly kiss
Hidden behind the screens and the daily news
A nation of warriors prepares to die
Beaten by the airwaves and the lies
A maritime nation's final deadly cruise
Control your fate
Before it's too late
Control your fate
Before it's too late
White noise, white noise (to fade)
I'm just a politician, I do it all for you
I always answer truthfully, honestly I do
Even if you did not vote, I 'll do my very best
I'm here to get this country, out of such a mess
Na, nanna, na, elect me to the House of Treason
Na, nanna, na, you can kiss good-bye to freedom
Na, nanna, na, elect me to the House of Treason
Na, nanna, na, you can kiss good-bye to freedom
I'll be standing over you, keeping you safe while you're in your bed
Can't you see my honesty, as I kiss your babies heads?
I'll give you promises, I'll promise luxury
I'll promise you all everything, if you just vote for me, now
I do declare in my position as a politician to lie, steal and rob you blind.
Give money and property to people who shouldn't get it, while you go hungry and
homeless. I also declare that I will do my best to bring this once-great nation
down to the ground, and make it into some sort of second-rate banana republic.
You know, in my position as a voice of the people, ha, ha, I will attempt to
pull the wool over the eyes of those who have put me into this esteemed
position of authority. Haven't you realised yet that my friends and here in the
House of Treason on the banks of the old river, are just treacherous vermin who
one day will destroy you all. Fools! You're just fools. Yeah fools. Fools...
(chorus) x2
Many people, of a kind, Mother Europe's sons
Faced so many tragedies at the barrel of a loaded gun
A guardian angel stands with us, stands by our side
When danger threatens our cherished land, she'll be there with a flag held high
Mother Europe, stands by our side
Mother Europe, we all live for you now.
So many martyrs, whose blood has drenched the soil
So many honest men, who on the land have toiled
So many warriors, whose bones are laid to rest
For keeping Europe sacred, will be our fateful quest
instrumental break
For far too long now we've sat in apathy
But just be warned now, before the coming tragedy
For the power and the glory stand within our reach
We must prepare the struggle for the victory we seek
Mother Europe, stands by our side
Mother Europe, we will die for you now
The scent of an English meadow wafts gently through the bars
The sounds of summer harvesting can be heard from afar
The beauty of old Albion, a beauty hard to beat
But the heart has been corrupted, by the changing power-seat
Will we stand and watch them taking our freedom away?
Will we stand and watch them taking our freedom away?
Our warriors are slandered, and thrown into their jails
And kept from their loved ones, in dungeons deep and stale
They say that self-defence is no offence, until the law starts with their lies
They'll send you down for protecting your own, already guilty in their lying
instrumental break
Our hearts are full of love and pride, for England is our home
The hills and dales are in our souls, and the forests ours to roam
But now we lie back in our cells, and think of times gone by
We think back of our lives and homes, and the girls who wait and cry
(chorus) x2
Raise aloft the standards, our ideals march before us
Join in the chorus of our rousing battle song
Hear the beet of the feet, of our mighty nation waking
Far ahead the tread, of our comrades marching on
Can't you hear the sound of our European battle song?
Can't you hear the sound of our European battle song?
Against the tyrants, we fight the power of gold
With steel and sinew, as our fathers fought of old
The whole land echoes, our triumphant shout
The night of want is breaking, and day will see their rout
instrumental break
Raise aloft the standards, our ideals march before us
Our battalions march along, without ado, without a fuss now
Can't you hear the sound of our European battle song?
Can't you hear the sound of the victors marching on?
Can't you hear the sound of our European battle song?
Can't you hear the sound of our Mother Europe's sons?
We march in glory, to the jaws of death we ride
We know the gods are on our side
No one's gonna halt us, great power we wield
Upon great battle-steeds we ride
For years we have waited, revenge will be sweet
No one's gonna stand against our might
Stand out if you're weak, or fear grips your heart
If you've not got stomach for the fight
We march to glory and great victory
We'll drive the enemy down to his knees
Great warriors beside us, all riding abreast
Our battle-shields are gleaming in the sun
Our swords are unsheathed, and thirsty for blood
And eager for the battle that will come
instrumental break
As swords clash on shields, and fire fills the air
Our enemy is driven to retreat
Blood stains the earth, they scatter in fear
We know now that we have got them beat
(chorus) x2
You've been lying, for far too long
You're just another snake in the grass
You been stealing, from your own comrades' hands
I reckon you're a pain in the ass
We're gonna bring you down, bring you down
bring you down to the ground
'Cos you're a renegade, how much d'you get paid?
For robbing your comrades and then running away
You're a renegade, is Judas your name?
One day we'll find you, you're a renegade
If we knew then, just what we know now
You'd never had the chance to steal
Well I'll tell you now, what the future will hold
One day those tears will be real
We're gonna bring you down, bring you down
bring you down to the ground
instrumental break
(chorus) x2
Gloom in the trenches, fire in the sky
You wait for the signal, the order to die
You're scrambling forward, with fear in your eyes
Charging the enemy and you still wonder why
Obey all your orders, and you do what they say
But you may be a pawn in a political game
And your leaders may not be all that they seem
And your bravery's mocked by a crooked regime
We'll be the fools no more
Now that we've found out the score
Millions of men have died in these plans
But it's not always been for the good of their lands
Some died for profit and political greed
But it's always the soldiers not the leaders who bleed
With a few brave exceptions most leaders are scum
Who lie to the people whilst they beat on their drums
And they plead to the people to heed national pride
But the leaders they don't have none, we've been taken for a ride
It's always been those with the flags in their hands
Who have fought and have died out in no-man's land
While the leaders stay home with their massive cigars
And stay permanently drunk in their luxury cars
They take all the credit, and they take all the fame
Whilst millions have died in their personal games
And if you dare to object and ask them to cease
You'll get a visit from their political police
(chorus) x2
Live your life to the full, never say die
Keep on breaking rules up 'til the end
Don't let nobody, tell you what to do
In the end the decision's up to you
Live life, to the full
It'll soon be time to die
There are people high up there, trying to limit you
They believe they can run the people's lives
Don't let them grind you down, bring their towers to the ground
You'll never know if you don't go and try
New day, comin' soon, in time to save our lives
New day, comin' soon, it'll soon be time to die
New day, comin' soon, in time to save our lives
New day, comin' soon, it'll soon be time to die
instrumental break
If you wanna speak your mind, they'll kill your voice
They never allow the good and proud to speak
They'll try to kill your pride, don't have no choice
They only respect the silent and the meek
(chorus) x2
Night trains, filling up, on a railway station in Berlin
On the way to the Eastern Front, as winter was closing in
Young soldiers who were on their way to a freezing, living hell
For victory's dreams had faded now, amongst explosions and deadly shells
Night trains, moving out
Moving on, to the distant east
Pride and love for the Fatherland
As they sought the road to victory
They choose to fight against all odds, against a foe without a god
They fought for good, for all mankind, along death's roads they bravely trod
Marching on to a fiery fate, their courage it did not fail
To a land of fire and ice, they advanced up danger's trails
instrumental break
As the they marched into the icy wastes, there was no end in their sights
And all they had was their comradeship, and the bitter cold of endless nights
Well so many died in graves of ice, never again to see their Fatherland
As their blood was spilt, so died their dreams, before the true ideal they took
their stand
(see lyrics from "Hail the New Dawn" cd)
(see lyrics from "Patriot" cd)
You're gone with the breeze, just like the leaves on the trees
Gone are the times, with your family, with your family
You left life behind, you knew they had your death warrant signed
But there was no way, that you would compromise, no compromise
You're gone with the breeze, but you'll always be there on our minds
You're gone with the breeze, just a memory of those times
You're gone with the breeze, yeah you left a lotta people that loved you
You're gone with the breeze, but we'll remember you
You stood against lies, and you would never hide
You stood face-to-face, with the enemy, with the enemy
Against all the odds, danger's path you trod
You knew it could only end in tragedy, yeah, in tragedy
instrumental break
All ended in devastation, for a man who loved his nation
Another warrior they took away, yeah, they took him away
But in our hearts, he did not die, forever more his flag will fly
One day the land will stand in his memory, Robert Matthews
You've gone with the breeze, but we'll remember you
Yeah, you've gone with the breeze, but we'll remember you
You've gone with the breeze, but we'll remember you
This is a warning, against a red day a'dawning
With communists trying, to get into our head
Take over the Media, with Marx they force feed ya
Come on all you Whites, fight the threat that is Red
Come on all you Whites, fight the threat that is Red
They encourage such mixing, to us it is sickening
And they say, for the Third World, we must provide bread
Just for one occasion, let's think of our own nations
Come on all you Whites, fight the threat that is Red
Come on all you Whites, fight the threat that is Red
instrumental break
Come on all you Whites, fight the threat that is Red
Come on all you Whites, fight the threat that is Red
We'll fight in the cities, we'll fight in the country
And we'll fight, the Red peril, our pride we'll not shed
For the strength of White nations, will be our salvation
Come on all you Whites, fight the threat that is Red
Come on all you Whites, fight the threat that is Red
Come on all you Whites, fight the threat that is Red
Come on all you Whites, fight the threat that is Red
I feel a peace as I walk the leafy lanes
Look out over them hills, boy it looks like rain
See the distant mountains, with the storm clouds high above
This is my land, my country, the place I love
We ain't gonna like it if they take our land away
Looks like history repeating itself again
We ain't gonna like it if they take our land away
If they steal our heritage, somebody's gonna pay
My father worked this land as his father did before
And they'd turn in their graves, if they knew what was in store
Someone came from some big city, and tried to buy our farm
Threw our life's work out to rot, they've done a lot of harm
instrumental break
The pride in our community, the media'd love to kill
They hate to see our unity, intact against their will
Tried to take our livelihood, tried to take our guns
If we left 'em take our pride, then surely they have won
(chorus) x2
The storm clouds are gathering, the Liberals are bleating
The vultures are looking down on the land of South Africa
The traitors are crowing, 'cos they see the Whites falling
They lie in their papers, about apartheid's evil way
Stand by your own, that's the best way
Stand by your own, from the ruins it came
Stand by your own, the only sane cry
Stand by your own, Red Terror will die
False prophets are moaning, and the bankers are groaning
As the leaders of the weak White west prepare to sell-out the white man again
We sit here in Europe, and wonder what the future holds
The murdering ANC, walk free around our countries
instrumental break
As we look to the future, and hope that our kin survive
All we can do now, is pray for them all
Stand by your own, Red Terror will die
Stand by your own, Red Terror will die
(see lyrics from "After the Fire" cd)
A phone is on the table, just along the hall
But due to lack of food and drink, you cannot move at all
The pension that they give you, can't stock you up for long
And in your heart, the anger grows, 'cos you know that they done you wrong
What about the wars that you fought?
For the peace that you sought
But for you, my old man, just see what peace has brought
The peace has brought you nothing
The light around you darkens, as you weaken every hour
And never in your long hard life, have you ever felt so sour
You've got to see a doctor, or you're going to fade away
You've got to see somebody, or you won't last another day
instrumental break
The pills they will not dull, the aching in your head
You try once more to reach the telephone, but you cannot leave the bed
Then you fall back, the pain has gone, and you see your life's last sight
A bare stark wall, so very small, and you say your last goodnight
Everybody gets the, gets the blues some time
Everybody gets the, gets the blues some time
And the government listens to everybody's, 'cept mine
If you belong to a minority, well then that's alright
If you belong to a minority, well then that's alright
But if you're just a simple British person
You'll have to stand and fight, for what's right
And no one ever asked us, exactly what we think
No one ever asked us, exactly what we think
As far as the powers are concerned
They've let the country sink
instrumental break
Well I just hope we don't lose, things that once were ours
Yeah I just hope we don't lose, things that once were ours
I think we better stand up, and rock 'em in their ivory towers
Yeah I think we better stand up, and rock 'em in their ivory towers
I said I think we better stand up, and rock 'em in their ivory towers...
(see lyrics from "Warlord" cd)
However hard you may think you are
Something comes along that'll touch you
It may be the death of somebody close
But any way it'll find you
Needs, something to believe in
However high your barriers are
Something will arrive that will climb them
For no one can survive while standing all alone
We all need somebody, to help us carry on
instrumental break
They say a problem shared is a problem halved
And as time passes by it will prove it
We all need somebody to lend a helping hand
And when the chance arrives just grab it
(chorus) x2
(see lyrics from "White Rider" cd)
Just another figure in a newspaper
Just another bloodstain on the ground
Just another victim of this once-great land
Could you tell me when salvation will be found?
Until then it's just...
Just another prayer for the dying
Just words spinning 'round in my head
Just another prayer for the dying
Just a requiem for the dead
The men in Whitehall sit drinking their champagne
Whilst our people fight for very life itself
Now we're second class in our own countries
In poverty whilst they build up their wealth
While I hear it still...
instrumental break
So now another victim is forgotten
Is murder just glossed over like a dream
When the politicians tell you that they stand for you
Remember they are never what they seem
(chorus) x2
To the bloodshed, by sheep the lions led, our people have been used
Too many bloody wars, a nation led by whores, our lives have been abused
It seems the warrior spirit has now died
Seems the politicians always lied
Once a window on our land, the people could see through
Then a mist came, dimmed our eyesight, now the view's not true
A web of deceit stands before our eyes
Corrupted maze of stinking lies
How long's it been, seem you believed, that you were worth a thing?
Politicians and their masters, you are worth nothing
They don't care if you just live or die
So long as they got their fingers in every single pie
instrumental break
One day we'll wake up from a deep and dark foreboding sleep
And when we do I hope I don't hear bleating as from sheep
I wanna hear the lion stand and roar
Go ahead, kick down corruption's door
I wanna hear the lion stand and roar
Go ahead, kick down corruption's door
Do you stand and what for what the future's gotta bring?
Or do you try to make it change for you?
Are you sitting there, in your comfy sitting chair?
And like the others doing not a thing
We stand alone, in the mountains
We stand alone, for the sea and sand
We stand alone, for the cities and the towns
We stand alone, for this land
Are you one of those who is always keeping quiet?
Letting every foe walk over you
Or are you gonna stand and fight for your motherland?
For our time and our glory's overdue
instrumental break
After victory, our great reign, will last a thousand years
Honour and respect, for one and all
No one's gonna beat us once again with their deceit
The only chant will be our nation's call
We stand alone, for this land
(written by Guns 'N Roses)
Yeah, I needed, a time to get away
I needed some peace of mind now, peace of mind that would stay
Got away from the robbers, they told us all lies
Left them there to dig their own graves now, left them there to die
Your police and niggers, that's right, get out of my way
I don't need to buy none of your gold chains today
I don't need thick bracelets, clamped around my chest
Just wanna live my own life now, just to do my best
You're one in a million, yeah that's what you are
You're one in a million baby, you're a shooting star
Maybe one day we'll see you, and 'cos you rule our lives
We always will do your work now, you're the star up high
Immigrants and faggots, they make no sense to me
They come to our countries, and think they'll do as they please
Like start some mini-Iran, or spread some stinking disease
They talk so many Goddamned ways now, it's all wrong to me
Well some say I'm wrong now, others say that's just me
Some don't like our songs now, I guess it'll always be
It's been such a long, long, time yeah, a'since I knew right from wrong
It's all just a means to and end now, I keep a'moving along
instrumental break
Zionists and turn-coat racists, don't point your finger at me
I'm just a small-time White boy, trying to make ends meet
Don't need strange religions, don't idolise TV
Just making my living baby, that's enough for me
Yeah the star up high
Yeah you're the star up high
Saw you step out from Room 209
Smile on your face, and a teardrop in your eye
Knew you'd been sticking needles in your arm
You always said that it didn't do no harm
Looked into your eyes, and what did I see?
Misery and despair looking back at me
Yours once was a face, full of new hope
Now you're down on your knees, and you just can't cope
One more day, then a long tormented night
One more day, in another wasted life
Sometimes it may seem better how you are
Escaping from reality, from poverty and war
You have seen your country, invaded and possessed
They treat you and your countrymen, worse than all these guests
But really there is no excuse for doing what you do
Living in a dream world, leave the fighting to the few
To waste your life like this, must surely be a crime?
I'll tell you at the moment you're a dreadful waste of time
instrumental break
(chorus) x2
If you look closely, look into our eyes
You will see a look there that will, never say die
We have been through too much, to give it all in
And one day though, we know not when
Well I, know we will win
We, we will never give in
We, we will never give in
The message to our enemies, with their treacherous beliefs
Our ideals are stronger, and your deaths will be, your release
Our strength it comes from heritage, and our very blood itself
The land from which our culture came; yeah, we don't fight for wealth
No, no, no
instrumental break
We've been through many battles, lost comrades on the way
To give in quietly, well their, memories would betray
So much march now onwards, to meet our destiny
For fate is in our own hands, and that's the way that
It's got to be now
(chorus) x2
No, no, no
(see lyrics from "Warlord" cd)
Once again, another nation going down
Yeah another country, is left to drown
In Croatia the people fight against another Red Army
But our government is to busy shaking hands, with the murdering ANC
Another nation's going down
Another country left to drown
We have/had the power in our hands
We just sit and watch the destruction of another land
Once upon a time there was a land called Rhodesia
It earned its keep, and it ran itself, and never asked for charity
Once again our government, sided with the deadly foe
Now run by scum, it's called Zimbabwe, and it's as Red as it can go
Now it seems that we are next on our government's thick hit-list
Race relations and homo rights, well these causes' feet are kissed
Seems we are a minority in our own motherland
Our pleas for justice and common sense, well they disregard and ban
Will you always be like this, apathetic and in chains?
Or will you rise and realize, what they're doing to your brain
With their Media and their politics, well their lies come so easily
Well we've got to fight, and earn the right, to stand up proud and free
We just stood and watched the destruction of another land
A skeptic said to me one sunny day, why the worried look upon your face?
He just smiled and he looked at me, what will be is gonna be
I said surely you will stand and fight, for what you believe to be right?
He said no, 'cos life's too short
I said your mind has now been bought
Why worry?
He said to me, Why worry?
It was meant to be, Why worry?
He asked me why?
I worry, 'cause I don't wanna die
I see what's happening, and it makes me mad
I think about it, and it makes me sad
The skeptic says that I should not think
Sit back and let the future sink
instrumental break
We'll stand and fight the rot
Fight for the hopes we have got
We will stand, we won't run away
And you will thank us on a future day
(chorus) x2
So many lives have been wasted, scattered as dead leaves upon the ground
In the cause of the freedom they had tasted, and for the liberty they found
Ground beneath the heels of Red jackboots, with half of Europe ruled by the Red
Whilst the other half were fooled 'to thinking they were free, whilst kosher
power ruled at every feast
Beloved Europe's on my mind now
It's on my mind, and in my soul
Beloved Europe on my mind now
Liberty and justice, is our goal
So many wars, with all their bloodshed, the flower of Europe died in
middy fields
So much blood has bled, from the bodies of our lands; blind pride, it forced us
not to yield
Yeah once again, a brother fought a brother, whilst the aliens stood, and
laughed down on the fight
Their interests were enough to kill our Europe, and make us all as slaves in
endless nights
instrumental break
Living through the glory, living through the pain
Fighting in a war, freedom once again
Fought against a foe, that weren't real enemies
While certain people stayed at home, and your money they did seize
New order
Our time will come
New order
Our time will come
Now the battle's over, and your country is in chains
No land was the winner, no one ever gained
Apart from shady moneylenders, high up in ivory towers
Where they look down on the nation, and plot away for hours
instrumental break
When the chance arose to free your land again
You marched forth to battle, to misery and pain
You believed another war would free your sacred land
But all you did was what the bankers' bid, in another war they'd planned
(chorus) x2
(Rossington / Van Sandt)
Train rolls on, on down the line
Won't you please take me far away
Now I feel the wind blow, outside my door
Means I'm leaving my woman, far behind
Tuesday's gone with the wind
And my baby's gone, with the wind
Tuesday's gone with the wind
Yeah my baby's gone, with the wind
And I don't know, where I am going
I just want to be, left alone
For when this train ends, I'll try again
And I'm leaving my woman, at home
instrumental break
Train rolls on, many miles from my home
Now I'm riding my blues, away
Tuesday you see, she had to be free
But somehow I've got, to carry on